
Friday, December 17, 2010

we have a winner...and I have white walls

Wow, the painters finished a day early and I spent most of last night putting things back in their place...or changing it up just a little bit. These white walls take a bit of getting used to but I am thrilled! Once I get the the big square hole in the carpet repaired where the fireplace was pulled out I'll be one happy little vegemite! I promise to show you some pictures next week once the chandeliers go up (that's today) and I'm satisfied that I can take some decent photos.  But enough about me...what about you?
Thank you to everyone who entered my little giveaway. 

I'm very pleased to announce that the winner is Ange from Chair Up...
a Kiwi girl living on the Gold Coast...and an awesomely good upholsterer. Now there's a combination for you.  Fling me an email Ange, and let me know your address and I'll pop your things in the post just as soon as the chandeliers are up! For those of you disappointed not to win a knitted dishcloth, I'll be making some more over the holidays...which start at the end of today...yippee :)


  1. Congrats to Ange! Kerry, can't wait to see your room, especially those chandeliers. Yay to being on holiday! I have a week to go :)

  2. Congratulations to Ange! I can't wait to see some white walls and Kerry-esque decorating!

  3. Congrats ange :) Can't wait to see all the white! Xx

  4. Well done to Ange. Your white walls sound very cool. Can't wait to see the photos! x

  5. YAY Ange...congrats sweety...Thanks Kerry for holding such a fab giveaway x

  6. Yay Ange - and wow, can't wait to see your shots!

  7. Hooray for Ange! Hooray for new white walls!

  8. Hi five to Ange.... a lovely Christmas pressie for herself !! Am looking forward to seeing the photos of 'The White Room'.
    Now, get those needles out and start knitting those dishcloths Kerry !! haha XXXX

  9. I am so happy that you finally have your white walls. Let's see some pictures soon!

    Hooray for Ange!


  10. Congrats Ange, you're a lucky duck!!!!
    And I can't wait to see the pics of the white walls.

  11. Bravo, Ange - perfect timing just before Christmas. You are such a gem, Kerry, for this generous giveaway. Bring on those holidays! J x

  12. I am being incredibly grown up about this and will congratulate Ange on her win! But I hope you know Ange that they were MY dishcloths and that every time you use them you have to think of ME!!!!!! xx J

  13. Bravo... Ange's lucky month - she won my giveaway too!! Bravo to you too Kerry on your new white walls. I have white walls (I think) underneath the grease and grime and grubbiness inflicted by two boys... A x

  14. Let's all rub Ange's head for luck - the girl's on a winning roll!
    Millie ^_^

  15. Congrats to Ange and can't wait to see some piccys of your place :)

  16. Well done Ange. Enjoy your goodies. Good luck with finishing the room Kerry

  17. Wow Kerry, you have been one busy little vegemite, haven't you! I can't wait to see what you think of your new space once the dust has settled. I hope the rain is settling down and sunshine will be in the forecast for Christmas. Saying that Canberra is a beautiful brilliant green at the moment.

    Congrats to Ange...a great giveaway, sorry I missed it!

    Happy organising Kerry, you are nearly there!

    Jeanne xx

  18. Yay Ange! And can't wait to see your white walls. Keep an eye on your mailbox next week my darling..Rachaelxx

  19. You know, I can see a stall at the Handmade Markets with the labels: Tranquil Treasures or Krotchet by Kerry or OM-made. (OK maybe not) Anyway, white walls are the perfect backdrop for a stylist. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Thanks SOOoo much for your cheerful comments this past week. They gave me such a boost. And now we're both officially on Holidays. Yippee.

    Deb x


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.