
Thursday, December 16, 2010

last chance to enter the giveaway...and a potential Christmas wreath

Hi everyone. I'll be finding a winner for the totally tranquil bag of gifts later tonight so if you haven't entered, please do...there's vicious competition for those dishcloths :)
My energy is completely sapped at the moment...perhaps it's the smell of paint fumes from the emerging 'almost all white' living room! Only two days to go before I can move my things back in...this is the study at the moment...hmmm. Do you like my irises though? I painted that...well, copied it from a picture in a magazine...but still :)
I am finding myself a bit short of festive cheer and a bit sad that there'll be no decorating here this year what with painters, electricians and a trip north to visit my parents...but I think I can manage a wreath on the door...something like this...
I have some bits and pieces that may include a white feather boa and a hot pink peacock...stay tuned!


  1. I'm impressed with your Iris painting
    Just remember how satisfied you will be when the room is back and newly redecorated!! Thats a pretty good Christmas present :)

  2. I want to be part of your giveaway, please !


  3. So will everything go back into the same places they all were before the painters were in? I always find it amazing how the intention to 'edit' stuff out lasts for a short while and gradually makes it way back into a room after it is redecorated. I love how a freshly painted room always feels so clean and new again. What a great way to start off a new year! I'm sure you will make something beautiful to hang on the front door.

  4. As I race out the door this morning, please enter me in your giveaway - my brain is so addled I can't remember if I've managed to enter yet! And a juju wreath - fabulous idea! Will send a shoutout via fb and twitter as well, to make up for my extreme slackness (if that's even a word) at not posting it on my sidebar. Looks like I'll be getting a lump of coal in my stocking this year - obviously I've been very bad (or at least a bad blog buddy) lately :( xx

  5. That's a wonderful, wonderful wreath - you have me wondering whether to sacrifice my beautiful dark red feather boa to the undoubted rain.

  6. Just think how happy you'll be with all the new freshly painted walls and everything back in it's place! Throw a few bits of tinsel around the place if you need some cheer, although that feather wreath should do the job nicely too! A pink feather wreath sounds fun and fab all at once! :)

  7. I LOVE that fluffy wreath. Unfortunately, you wouldn't see it behind the security door if I tried one. The white room will be worth it!

  8. Do I need to remind everyone that those dishcloths are mine! They have my name embedded in them and just won't do the job for anyone else!!
    I know Kerry you think I am making fun, I'm not, my Grandmother had knitted cotton dishcloths, they were pale grey with wedgewood blue stripes and were the best thing since sliced bread!
    Whenever we needed a new one it appeared, like magic, overnight.
    Your Iris' are beautiful and aren't they going to look special on that white wall. Can't wait to see the photos1 xx

  9. Hi Kerry,
    Your ' almost all white' living room is going to look wonderful with all of your beautiful eclectic possessions. I hope that we will get to see it finished..... and, I think that a feather wreath will be very festive and fun..... and also more appropriate for an Australian Christmas..... holly or pine doesn't really seem right when it's hot !!
    Thanks for your lovely comment're a pal. XXXX

  10. Your Iris painting is fantastic Kerry! Your talents are never ending!!!! And i hope that the fumes from your 'almost all white' living room subside soon.
    Have a wonderful day my dear!

  11. Hi Kerry
    Well I feel for you!! I'm in a bit of the same mood with the heat and no aircon.. blah... but I think you will be very happy when your room is finished and you can start the new year bright and fresh and have the fun of decorating..

    Good luck with your new shop!! hope your Christmas is wonderful... xxx Julie [I'm tempted to head up to Noosa for Christmas]

  12. Can't wait to see the wreath ... lots of decorations have to be taken down, remember!

  13. Oh Kerry..I love your idea for a Wreath..might have to steel front entrance looks a little sad at the moment. p.s have a little award for you at LDA x

  14. Bravo on the Iris painting. Most impressive.

  15. Oh, Kerry, you're such a trooper! How you still find your sense of humour in the middle of all that mess is brilliant. The irises (our wedding flower) are so vibrant - bravo you. Yet again. J x

  16. Oh I love that wreath. It's so you. Festive with feathers. Too funny. xx

  17. Happy Friday Kerry,
    Just wanting to say thank you so much for your well wishes on my new shop.
    Also loving those gift tags so congratulations to the lucky give away winner.
    Lou xo


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.