
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

top ten pictures from the week ~14.12.10 (and a mad cat)

OK. The madness of the vampire slayer is no longer in dispute. Nothing was going to dislodge her from her place...not even a posse of painters chucking drop sheets around with gay abandon. That cat is positively certifiable.
The house is in a complete state of mayhem. 
...all the bits and pieces of my living room are now shoved in various places in my bedroom or study.
In fact if one more thing has to go into the study I think I may be stuck in here forever...
...and the chandeliers, which were supposed to go up today but didn't...
...are currently on my bed! So amidst all of this madness, I didn't quite collect the required 10 pictures. Sorry about that. But here's a before of my living room at the end of day 1...the tiles are where the fireplace was and they should be coming out today...
Sorry it's not beautiful...yet! And there will be a full before and after once it's all done.
Please don't forget to enter my giveaway :)
I'll be drawing it on Thursday evening if I can find my way out from under the chandeliers!!


  1. keep loving these top tens of yours. good luck with the painters in the house! xox

  2. I admit I felt a slight shiver when I read "...Mad Cat" in your post title!

    I loved seeing the signs of summer out your windows!


  3. Hope you have lots of wine chilling in the fridge! Only you would get the painters and electricians in just before Christmas, although it will be a lovely present to yourself when it is all done. Can't wait to see the afters! You get lots of sun - we finally have some snow on the ground and it is -28 with the wind so shall live vicariously through your summer photos and escapades! PS Can't believe the cat stays there - our dog hightails it as soon as the ladders come out! Have a great week. xxx Mary

  4. That piccy of the Slayer is so funny. She is very determined cat. I can just hear her saying, "You can just work around me".
    Wont it be great when all the work is done Kerry. Looking forward to the pics :)

  5. I love the windows and light your living room gets. Love a good before and after, even though it can be painful for the person involved between these stages. That image of the all red brick, high ceiling apartment appealed to me!

  6. How long is it *meant* to take, Kerry? I admire anyone who renovates and has to live through all the mess and chaos. J x

  7. I love the chaos, makes me feel far more normal.

  8. It all looks like its gonna be really great when its finished. Good luck with it all. Great pictures.

  9. ooo, i know how that look feels darl. good luck with all the changes, i'm sure its going to look awesome!! jxx

  10. Hi, Kerry. I've popped over from The Self-Raising Kitchen. Your house looks amazing so I can only imagine what it will be like when you finish.

  11. Such beautiful spaces! Love those high ceilings and large windows.


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