
Monday, December 13, 2010

a totally tranquil giveaway...

I know it's getting perilously close to the holidays and I should have done this a week know how it is! Well, the disorganised among you (welcome to my world) probably do.
There's a giveaway here this week for two reasons:
  1. Mostly, to thank you for your friendship, your humour, your care...your all-round awesomeness, and
  2. secondly, to tell you that my friend Chris (the chandelier fairy) and I have opened an etsy shop called Totally Tranquil (well I think we have...hoping that I have pushed all the right buttons and filled in all the correct forms!)
So, the giveaway is stuff we've made and a bit of a taste of what might be coming...provided I get my act together sufficiently to list some things! Full of ideas we's the execution that might be slightly problematic. 
Chris and I both love to make things; we sew, we paint and I do needlework. She's been leading a life of leisure this year and I've had one day off a week...supposedly to make stuff. But again, you know how it is...not as much achieved as I'd hoped.  When I said I'd like to do a giveaway to thank everyone for the year you and I have had together (Chris isn't a blogger btw), she generously gave me the red linen tote she'd just made (and already wrapped!) for someone else and you go, this is suitably festive! The woman is a bag making queen :) And she made this very cool apron as well...very difficult to photograph aprons without a model I've discovered!
In a little nod to some of the things I've been doing lately, I've provided the gift tags (2 sets), a tapestry bookmark and guessed it, not one, but two knitted dishcloths. Come know you want one!!
So just leave a comment. I don't mind if you're a follower or not (see last Friday's post and all your fabulous comments about the perils of following and unfollowing...I loved reading them all) and if you wanted to let others know about it that would be great and I'd throw your name in the hat again.

The random generator will get cranked up on Thursday evening Australian daytime savings time so I can put these in the post on Friday with the faint hope that it might reach you by Christmas. I know that overseas readers haven't got a snowball's chance in you-know-where of getting anything by then, but it's only one set of the tags that you might need to put away until next year if you win!
Here's the link to the shop...I've only had the chance to list a few things so far...a small matter of the painters arriving today and the living room and kitchen needing to be packed up! 
And the banner was made by my very clever son lieu of rent...that kid's got it good!


  1. Congratulations! How exciting to have an Etsy shop. Your giveaway is gorgeous, I'm in! The painters coming in sounds exciting..look forward to seeing what you've done..Rachaelxx

  2. YAY Kerry Congratulations to you & Chris, its lovely to see people will be able to invest in your beautiful work, I wish all the sucess possible with your new venture.
    Your giveaway is a lovely bunch of surprises, very genorous.
    By the way, I luuurve your blog & would NEVER unfollow, like you say there is not always time to comment or sometimes I am just tooo tired, but I always love to drop by & catch up on your adventures.
    Can't wait to see the after shots when the paint drys.
    Have a lovely week!

  3. You know how much I want a knitted dishcloth.... actually if I did get one I'd probably have to bite my rude tongue as I'm sure I'd love it... sort of like the iPhones I'm starting to pine for...!
    Congrats on the shop - now all that DOING will start bringing in the cash - lovely products online already... And if you can forget all the cheeky comments I've made about the dishcloths over the last few months then please count me in.... A x

  4. HI Kerry, Congrats on the Etsy shop. pretty items there! i love the knitted dishcloths in your giveaway, Mary gave me some too, cept i use mine for my face, exfoliating and soft at the same time! lurvly. put my name in:)

  5. How fantastic Kerry, both the Etsy store and your giveaway! I'm sure the tore will be a big it. Aren't you a woman of many talents?
    I'd love to be counted in :)

  6. I have so many rocks, and none of them have crocheted cardigans ... anyway, a knitted dishcloth will have to do!

    Of course, I'd liove to be part of this giveaway from the latest of the Etsy moguls!

    Congratulations!! And three cheers for a tranquil and pleasure-to-visit blog.

  7. Yeah for the new store!
    And yeah for having such a clever, creative son - not hard to see where he gets these qualities!


    Felicity x

  8. Congrats Kerry and Chris on the launch of your Etsy shop. I know that there will be lots more to come. Shall have to add it to the list! Ben did a wonderful job on your banner. You'll have to send that dishcloth pattern my way - nice to knit a different one for a change! Well done you!

  9. Congratulations on your Etsy shop Kerry and I wish you great success. Please also count me in for your lovely give away. ;-)

  10. Great news Kerry, I hope the shop is a raving success for you and Chris. Please enter me in the draw as I would love to win your goodies - dishcloths included:>)

  11. Anything that would add some cheer to my dishwashing experience would be fantastic. Can you believe I don't have a dishwasher?! The rest is all gorgeous too. Congratulations on opening your etsy shop. How exciting!

  12. YAY!! I am so excited that you have finally opened your store :) Wishing you and Chris all the success in the world. Please also count me in for your FABULOUS giveaway!! Thanks so much for the chance and I have everything crossed. Hope the painting goes well. Hugs ~ Txx

  13. It all looks great, good luck with your store.

  14. Congrats on the Etsy shop! I am sure it will do well!

  15. Well done Kerry, you are so clever and I know your etsy store will do really well. Please count me in to your fabulous giveaway. I would love one or more of your knitted dishcloths. Have a great week. xx

  16. You ladies are way too cool for school! Love it! What a lovely mix of creative little treasures to browse through..congratulations lovelies..look forward to checking it out. Of course please count me in..I would feel very honoured to win one of your beautiful creations.
    Sending big hugs to you Kerry x

  17. Woo hoo! Bravo, Kerry. Just what I'm been waiting for. Will check out your store now ☺. And you are a generous soul - what fantastic loot! J x

  18. I am so excited for your shop. I wish you much success! And your giveaway is very generous, I love it all! How talented Chris is! Now I need to check out your shop!


  19. I am so envious of your talents and Chris's. I do so wish I could make such things. Well done and good luck with the shop xx

  20. Congratulations on your etsy how very exciting. I would love to enter your generous giveaway. Thanks for the chance...have a lovely week. Kym x

  21. How gorgeous. Already a follower and love your posts. They make me laugh. Lovin' those tags!

  22. That's great news Kerry, an etsy shop woo hoo!
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway :o)

  23. Very exciting news Kerry - I can hear the cork popping from here!! Congratulations, and Im sure the store will be a huge success. I would love to win the gorgeous giveaway, so please count me in.
    Rebecca x

  24. I am only here today to throw my hat into the ring for those knitted dishcloths! I suppose I could find a use for the bag and the tags too but I cannot live my life happily without the dishcloths!
    Bless you both and your new store what fun you will have I am off to visit now. xx

  25. You have done it. I am so excited for you. I am sure Totally Tranquil will be a roaring success. My inner Nana has been coming out quite a lot lately and I am quite sure she would be hankering after those dishcloths.
    Remember to take the before painting photos please.

  26. Count me in! I really really want the dishcloths! :-)

  27. Congrats with opening of your Etsy shop, much success. What a lovely giveaway! Margaret K.

  28. hi Kerry I am a nit late on this one but I would love to be counted in. And well done on the shop. The items look divine. xo

  29. Sorry, I think I meant a bit late, not a nit late. Although that could also be true. ! xo

  30. That's a beautiful collection of things and I'd love to be counted in, please. Good luck with your new shop!

  31. Such gorgeous things! Congrats on your new shop!

    soalaurable at gmail dot com

    I knew it was in the pipeline but had no idea it would happen this quick! Well done. I am so happy for you!!

    Am off to browse the store now, but before I do, please put my name in the hat. Yay!!

    xx C

  33. Congrats on the new Etsy store! I adore those gift tags, they're so sweet xxoo

  34. Congratulations on your ETSY store. Please count me in for your adorable giveaway.
    Pam x

  35. Ooo Ooo I want one of your famous knitted dish cloth! Congrats on your new etsy shop Kerry & Chris, that is soooooo exciting! Yay!
    Please include me in your fab giveaway. Fingers crossed,

  36. love to be included in your giveaway...congrats on your etsy store...

  37. What a wonderful giveaway. What lovely things you create.

  38. I just have to enter again to do my darnedest to get one of those highly sort after dish cloths! ;-)

  39. I am so jealous of your creativity!!
    Absolutely love the blog!!
    Abbey xo

  40. I really wish I was this artistic. I should learn how to sew.

  41. Yay... late entry for me! :) You can never have too many cute dishcloths!!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.