
Monday, January 24, 2011

back from where I've been...

which was here...
for a little while at least... I don't like to stay out in the sun too long with my lily white Canberra skin! (this is the very gorgeous Watego's Beach, where the real estate costs...well, let's just say I won't be buying or renting here unless the Lotto fairies wave their magic wand over me or mine). Different days, different weather, but fabulous any way you looked at it.
Richard and I had a very relaxed five days staying with his mum and dad. Here's his mum Lois...she's a doll...
...if I'd painted this picture instead of using the camera I'd enter it in the Archibald Prize I love it that much...not that there is any way on earth I could paint like this except in my dreams :) And as for that fabulously decaying wall...also love.
And here's Richard's dad Peter...
(I couldn't resist taking a snap of their wedding photo displayed in the sweet's that?)...together, they run the Book Barn, a second hand bookshop in Mullumbimby...a town like no other :)
...and look, I have the t-shirt to prove it :)
Daggy beyond measure I know...but I just couldn't resist.
Oh, and just digressing for a moment... did I mention that I am looking very likely to be going here...
for a few days in March...knew you'd be jealous! More on that when I go back to work next week.
But back to the bookshop. Peter tells me The Book Barn (which has an impressive 12000 books) has made it on to a 'top ten second hand bookshops in Australia' list. Details of what list and when are sketchy however! What is not to be disputed though is that this was the set for the bookshop in the ABC TV series East of Everything...I love a bit of reflected glory don't you?? Especially when Richard Roxburgh is involved. Yes, yes, shallow I know :)
Do drop in if you're near there and say I sent you. It won't help of course...Peter on form can put Black Books to shame (without the drinking, smoking, bad language or dim witted assistants of course)...
I have missed reading your posts but I did have a lovely, mostly screen-free holiday. Apart from all the Australian Open watching of course. One more week until I head back to work, although I think I may have to work tomorrow. Oh well. I am looking forward to catching up with you all over the next few days though and getting back in to some sort of rhythm. Salsa perhaps?


  1. Glad to see you are back. So how many books did you come home with? and I am very happy to see NYC is still on the agenda so once you have a better idea of dates, we can plan. My daughters are very jealous is all I can say! Talk to you soon. Mary

  2. Looks like you had a fab time Kerry. What a great looking bookstore! Yes I am super jealous (in a nice way) about NYC. You lucky duck!!!

  3. How lucky are you to have inlaws with a second hand book store ,I love reading and could spen hours just browsing ,I hope you get to the big Apple :)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time away Kerry! My dad's uncle used to be the Mayor or Mullumbimby, I think like 20yrs ago or something it's a fantastic town isn't it! And I have no doubt after seeing your latest painting that you could do an archibald, go on Kerry, give it a try, please?!?!
    And NY, I'm SO jealous! Can I come be your assistant?
    so nice to see you back and glad you had such a great time away!

  5. Oh la la, great holiday & check out those beach umbrellas!! Love it all, welcome back, Canberra is hot & sunny lately, great place to colour the lily white Canberra skin. You should paint Lois, she's incredible. Love Posie

  6. Welcome back Kerry - looks like you had a good time - books... sun... sand... sea... books... Any chance of a shot of your lily-white, Canberra skin?

  7. Lovely to have you back. That photo of your MIL is gorgeous. Your right, its very paintable.

  8. Glad you had a good time. I love bookstores - especially used bookstores! It looks delightful . . . and how exciting you're coming to my neck of the woods! I'd say we should get together, but I won't be likely to be traveling four hours when I'm nine months pregnant! Have you ever been to NYC?

  9. Welcome back sweet - I've missed you while you've been lazing around on Wategos (can you hear the jealous whine in my voice?) And that book shop looks like a fabulous place to while away an hour or twelve! K xx

  10. Woo hoo! How brilliant to have you back at the Townhouse, Kerry. Ah, Watego's! On my maybe-one-day list. You lucky duck. Richard's parents look like darlings. And New York - I can't wait to hear your travel report. J x

  11. I'm so glad you enjoyed your vacation, the beaches look wonderful. I could use a little sun therapy. And Richard's parents look like lovely people.

    I wish you were coming to Chicago! Close, but no cigar! Do have fun though!


  12. Looks like you had a great getaway. Love the name the Book Barn and New York... how exciting!!

  13. So much gutsy stuff here ...

    Love Lois and her black mexican-like top.

    Love Peter and his sitting non-chalantly near diary and dangerous scissors.

    Love their book-shop ownership.

    I'm also loving your love of the Roxburgh fellow, because I said to my husband this weekend, "If Elizabeth Hurley was pashing this Roxburgh bloke I could understand it, but Warnie?"

    That's all.

  14. Oh Kerry,
    That photograph of Richard's mum is wonderful...... the whole composition, her lovely face and that gorgeously tactile distressed paintwork.....his dad looks pretty good too !!
    Great news to be going to New of my favourite cities......and, of course, the beach looks sun or with clouds. XXXX

  15. Hello Kerry!
    I am SO glad I found you!!
    Loved reading your Blog!
    Your inlaws are Adorable ... I just want to squeezzzz them!!

    Have a wonderful week!
    Anna xoxo

  16. I love second hand book shops! And that t-shirt is fantastic! I'd love to get one made with Le Petit Village stuck in there :-)

  17. Richard's parents look lovely, the photo of his mum is amazing. And I can't believe you're going to New York! How exciting..hurry up and tell us more. We're not going until Bridget is a little older. Rachaelxx

  18. Ohhhh I am back on the air after three days of no internet!
    Just a quick drop in to say the bookshop looks like my sort of place so will definitely call in if I ever get there! but mostly to say I received a beautiful package yesterday when I got home and I am going to take some serious photos this weekend and show off what was inside!!!!!! xoxo

  19. Welcome back. Your photos are lovely as usual. Hope you are refreshed and ready for anything!

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