
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the weekly top ten returns...sort of

If it seems like ages since I've done one of these posts...
my lovely friend Mariska's reading spot
...that's because it is.
So in honour of the first of these posts for the year...
...this is a 'bumper' edition.
While my fellow I sound all Prime Ministerial?...
...or just a complete lunatic...don't answer that!
...where was I? While around the country people are still battling floods or the clean up from them...
 and in the very worst cases, reeling under the grief from losing someone in such an unimaginable way... are some soothing pictures.
A semblance of normal.
And let's not forget Brasil and Sri Lanka either...
...where getting back on your feet might not be quite so achievable as it is in our lucky country.
The man and I are off to Brunswick Heads today (yes, revisited...that's for Aussies who remember the radio show!) and I'll be without much access to internet and won't be able to reply to comments until I get back (sorry). I'll miss you.
So have a good week lovely people and I'll see you 'ron (that's Australian for later on if you're wondering what drugs I'm on...) 
And a special hello to new readers who might be experiencing their first top ten...
As you can see, I'm not very good at counting :)
And if I absolutely had to go camping...this would be the only way!
images in order of appearance are from: I used to be snow white but I drifted; abigail ahern (2); ak-magnolia house; apartment therapy; bijou and boheme; brabourne farm; colour me happy; design sponge (2); honey and fizz; mfamb; northern lights; the decorista; the design files (2); the inside story; this pretty space (2); tiny white daisies; verandah house; lonny; tiny house blog


  1. What a great collection of images Kerry! I love Mariskas's reading spot, that beautiful blue image and the artwork on the first image from the design files. I remember looking up the artist and feeling quite depressed when I realised I could never afford one of her pieces. Maybe she could do a print release?
    Have a great break Kerry x

  2. Great top ten Kerry. I bet your favourite is that hot pink wall. Nice to have normality back... Have a great week away at Brunswick Heads, I hope the weather is nice for you. ;-)

  3. Lots of colour again I see. Event the white room have more colour in them. I hope that you have a great holiday. Talk to you when you get back. mary

  4. Great top 10 ++ Kerry, as always. And Brunswick Heads will be glorious, so have a fantastic holiday. Btw, loving the Kitchenaid sick - great job my friend! K xx

  5. NUmber 14 of the top 10 blew me away, man that is so my style. want it all.

    you crack me up : )


  6. Love all those images.

    You are the Smooth Queen of Soothe.

    So many people around the world experiencing devastation ... makes me shake my head.

    And then there's your craziness!

  7. THat is quite the collection! Love the black and white room and the one with the gray chair and black swan painting. Hope all is well where you are in Australia!

  8. What a great Top 10 for the first one of the year! Have a great trip Kerry, I hope you have a lovely break. xx

  9. And I will miss you and your lovely photos ! I'm so inspired.
    Have a good time !!


  10. Dear Kerry,
    beautiful pictures - and that tent might even convince my husband! Have a beautiful week Britta

  11. Wow, another collection of gorgeous inspiration. I love the image above 'a semblance of normal' - perfection!! Enjoy your time away x

  12. There's not a room I don't like here!
    Enjoy your break.

  13. Ah, Kerry. How I've missed these posts. Those striped stairs have me swooning. Enjoy your sojourn with the man, J x

  14. They are too beautiful! And artistically gorgeous! Enjoy the lovely day, Kellie xx

  15. So many gorgeous pics as always, my dear! Enjoy your time away ~ xx

  16. Hi Kerry,

    Thanks, that was a visual feast! Emma.

  17. Thanks for all of the beautiful inspiration pics! Hope you're having a great time on your trip. We miss you.

  18. Enjoy Brunswick darling friend and thank you giving my reading spot such an honorable place amongst your fabulous selection of inspirational images!

  19. Everything here is so divine! I love Mariska's reading spot! And that rainbow staircase is pretty schnazzy as well! Oooh, and can i just say I also adore your kitchen aid art. Can't wait to get my hands on one of those. But first comes baby, then house, then small appliance heaven. :)

  20. The pink walls and the orange walls make my heart sing x

  21. I almost bought that multicolored chandelier in Asheville, NC. Bought the fuschia one instead. So amazing to see it here! Oh, and Colin Firth, couldn't agree more. LOVED King's Speech ~ xox Alexandra

  22. where abouts and what shop did you purchase the funny mullumbimby shirt from?


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.