
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kitchen(Aid) art...

I really love KitchenAid mixers...the look of them anyway...I'm not much of a baker
...and truth be told I really don't have space for one in the tiniest kitchen in the southern I thought I'd paint you do :)
I'm quite pleased with it, but not sure where to put it or even if I'll keep it.
It was nice to get the paint brushes out again though...I had to blow the dust off them. The other paintings you see here are ones I did in 2000! I'm a bit partial to a still life :)
I do like a bit of art in the about you?


  1. WOW Kerry! You Artist you! That is brilliant, I think it's fantastic and you should high quality scan it and then sell prints of it in your shop!
    Well done my dear!

  2. Kerry ,I really liked this and the first thing it reminded me of was the style of Andy Warhol's Campbell soup cans ,I love the colour ,did you paint it from memory or a picture?

  3. I love it on the bench - I could imagine it coming to life and if it was in my home I'd have to christen it Sunny as it really is like a little burst of sunshine in your kitchen.

    In my kitchen there is an ever-changing mix of art - my favourite being two small canvases. Onto one I adhered a collection of CWA teaspoons from my Grandmother and to the other I stitched an old wooden handled carving knife and some bone-handled cutlery.

    They've been retired for now, but will probably make an appearance later in the year,

    x Felicity

  4. Love your art Kerry. Very clever. Pam x

  5. I love it! As Janette says - it would sell like hotcakes... an 'affordable kitchenaid for the woman who can't have everything.' A x

  6. Yep, Janette and Ann have nailed it, Kerry. You are so modest about your talent, my friend. J x

  7. What a lovely painting, you are so clever. I have a Kitchenaid and LOVE it - it's not as cute as this painting though!

  8. It's fabulous Kerry! Perfect for a kitchen! You are one multiple-talented lady x

  9. What a great little painting - love it! x

  10. You STAR!! I love it and think it looks fabulous! The way you have painted that stainless steel bowl is so life-like, I had to go look twice!! I hope you will be picking up those brushes more often in the future Miss Kerry ... your skill is too wonderful not to!! ~ Tina xx

  11. Oh so cool & clever, amazing work Kerry my dear.
    I have the real thing, i am a baker, mine is red & everything in the kitchen works around our beautiful mixer. This year she got a little food processor brother, also in red to match the blender from 11 years ago. We pace ourselves, life time investments. Love Posie

  12. Fantastic , I love the mirrored detailing on the bowl ! Very talented.

  13. Oh my goodness I didn't know you painted!
    You are an amazingly talented lady and I expect to see much more of your paintings so keep those brushes dusted off. xoxo J

  14. Kerry...thats is absolutely amazing...and YES you will keep is far to gorgeous to giveaway or sell..and I think under your beautiful pears is where is should it! x

  15. You're so talented Kerry... the painting is wonderful...

    I don't have any wall space in my kitchen for art... but think it is a nice touch.. especially if hung above a small table.. bit of a cafe feel..

    have a great week.. xxx Julie

  16. You've received a Stylish Blogger Award - come 'n' get it!!

  17. You are quite talented. I just found your blog and I will be your newest follower. I love amazing inspirations.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  18. I thought it was real at first! It looks good hanging...please keep it! You are a fabulous painter!


  19. Wow, very good. I'll take one in red!!

  20. I love the painting of the Kitchen Aid!! Bright and sunny yellow....thanks for stopping by my blog earlier,,,, I have a friend who is visiting in Australia right now :) Take care way down under!!

  21. Kerry, I love your art!! Yes frame the new Kitchenaid, wonderful!

    Do spread the be sure to come and enter my Giveaway from Blydesign......


    Art by Karena

  22. You are so brilliant Kerry, I can't believe how talented you are. Well done. xx

  23. Fantastic idea! Totally fun, I love it!

  24. Hi Kerry, I love the kitchenaids too (even tho' I'm not much of a baker). I actually bought myself a 1960's mixer and put it under the tree - it's been well cared for - now all I need to do is bake!! Love your artwork - what a fun way to brighten up the kitchen.
    Loved having a catch up on your old posts - the new dishcloth design is fab, and I love the look of that book you won - congrats! Michelle

  25. Beautiful artwork Kerry - I'm the same as you re: lust but not much usage...would like a display model in cherry red if I could choose a colour :)

  26. very's keep it and fool all your friends into believing you can bake.. I also love the new dishcloths.. Fabulous ~ Kym X

  27. Bravo, Kerry, it's a super painting. You've captured the sturdy grace of the machine and the lovely bright curve of the bowl. It definitely deserves a prime viewing-position. You should sell these!

  28. Fantastic painting - love the bright colour yellow, and yes I do have some pictures in my kitchen too!

  29. Please could I be on your camping trip ????

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  31. Kerry, do you still have this painting? If so, want to sell it to me?? I love it so much!!

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