
Saturday, January 15, 2011

flowers, a little painting project...and blogging friends doing it for the floods

I finally picked the last of the sweet peas yesterday, pulled out the bushes and planted some tomatoes...probably too late, but with this weather who in the heck would know! 
My gardenias have been going gang busters and the roses aren't too shabby either...not bad for such a little space and I am enjoying them on the coffee table.  I managed to get my butt out from its perch in front of the tv yesterday and start a little painting.  You know how it is...if you can't have a real one, you paint a pretend one...:))
And for the real crochet deal, head on over to the very wonderful Tina's and buy one of her beautiful garlands with all proceeds from January sales going to the flood appeals.
I'm very much hoping she has hot pink cotton somewhere in her stash! 
And if that's not enough, one of my other BBFFs Kerri at Driftwood Interiors is offering the proceeds from January sales of the awesome prints in her Etsy shop as well...which artwork to choose...that's the question??
And...even more, gorgeous Janette from My Sweet Prints and her assistant Will are offering 10% of profits from sales over the next two here. Here's a sample...
I love these girls :)
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
image 1 and 2 by a tranquil townhouse; image 3 by Tina; image 4 by Kerri with an 'i'; image 5 by Janette


  1. What - you still have sweet peas?!?
    How can that be?
    I'm hoping to plant some out for this year but didn't realise that they bloomed for so long = goody!

    As for the gorgeousness of the girls mentioned in this post - they are real treasures.

    Felicity x

  2. What a beautiful photograph!! The flowers are amazing.
    I am very impressed!!
    (I would love a kitchenaid too but mine would be aqua)
    What a great bunch of people too.
    Irene xx

  3. Loving the Kitchenaid sick! And thanks for the shoutout sweet, that's very kind of you :) Gotta love this bloggy community, don't you? K xx

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous, Kerry! You will have to give me some gardenia tips as I have one that we were given 6 years ago as a housewarming gift and it has never flowered...not once :( Your kitchenaid painting is FABULOUS! I real one would be wasted on my as I am the most hopeless baker, but a painting of one...that is a different story!! Thank you so much for including my garlands in your post with these other beautiful ladies, you are such a special person Miss Kerry! I am off to Guyra to stock up :) Happy Saturday ~ xx

  5. Love u too Kerry!!! Thanks SO much for the shout out (and I love that u included my assistant too) ;)
    That is such a cool painting! I hope you'll show us the whole thing!
    Have a lovely weekend my dear!

  6. Ah, Kerry, sweet peas, painting, a Kitchenaid mixer (although I plumping for the cornflower blue option), the generosity of three of my favourite bloggers and comments from them as well as my twin-separated-at-birth, Felicity - you sure know how to start my day well! Thanks, my dear friend. J x

  7. HI Kerry... great idea.. paint yourself a Kitchenaid mixer.. hehehe.. and love the little vignette you created in the first shot

    Fabulous girls donating their profits to the floods... every little bit helps.... Hope you have a fab weekend.. ciao xxx Julie

  8. Your sweetpeas are gorgeous! I have some growing at the moment but I was late to put them in. I'll be saving seeds/peas? for next year :)
    The generosity of everyone and the getting in and helping re the floods is so darn heartwarming!
    Your mixer painting is great! They're great looking mixers but waaaayyyyy beyond my budget. Is the painting for your kitchen?

  9. GET OUT! Look at that painting!

    I love it! Don't go painting any more of them because I just may have to get you to swap one for a surplus child or two!

    Seeing that KitchenAid made me forget anything else you posted about.

  10. i know what you mean about the weather ,I just noticed my magnolia that should only bloom at the end of winter has flower and buds all over it ,bizarre!

  11. Wow, look that that Kitchenaid painting. I think you may have started a whole new genre. May we see the full finished picture? You should sell them on etsy.

    And I love your dishcloths; they are colourful and charming.

  12. {{{{Hugs! }}}
    Your heart is in the right place, I am not at all put out by you not mentioning me!
    Thank you for the FB :)
    A big list is comimg out on Make It Perfect of everyone on Sunday night. Will link to that. Maybe you could too :)
    We all do what we can don't we.

  13. I love your little painting! I would paint a red one, if I could. That's the one I want. x

  14. Thanks for posting ways we can help the people affected by the floods. WE feel so helpless some time so it's refreshing to see tangible ways we can help. BTW - your flowers are beautiful! Just what I needed to see on this cold, blustery brown and white winter day!

  15. man, your painting is sensational kerry! you're really talented darl. i thought i had done good this weekend by painting an old frame black so i could re-use it, hahaha, my talent is shall we say 'limited' : )

    so cool to see these great girls getting behind the people of QLD, as you said it all helps.

    have a great week xxx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.