
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a peek inside a much appreciated giveaway win...

Those who know me well know that a book is one of the best things you can give I was really chuffed when last week I was lucky enough to win this one...
from the fabulous Posie (aka Jennie) at Posie's Patchwork.  That woman is a marvel...she exhausts me just reading about the things she manages! Go and say hi if you don't already know her.
So for those who weren't as lucky as I was...I thought I'd share some of the pages...
Given that this book showcases nine Swedish homes I expected it all to be very white on white...and there was definitely that...
but also masses of colour...
which suits me down to the ground (although I do love looking at those all white heavenly spaces)
This is such a fun book...witty, pretty and wise :)
I'm going to have lovely dreams of this balcony...
Thank you rock.
And because I haven't posted one for a while, here's the slayer doing what she does best...being on perpetual holiday...and looking decidedly unglamorous (just the way I like it!!)
all images by a tranquil townhouse from the book Beloved Homes published by Ikea Family (except for the slayer of way she's making it into a book!)


  1. I was a lucky winner too and very happily tool my book to bed last night for a read. I like the mix of ikea and other contemporary pieces with vintage.
    Look at the Slayer... she wouldn't hurt a fly! X

  2. Whoops, I didn't tool my book- I "took" it to bed. Darn typing on tiny keypad! X

  3. It looks great Kerry - lucky you! As I have to go back to Ikea in the next few weeks, I'm going to make sure I grab myself a copy. Nothing like a new book to get the heart racing (is that too tragic? probably!) K xx

  4. so Jealous ,It looks fabulous!Love the black feature wall in the kitchen photo.

  5. I definately want to get a copy. Looks great! The Slayer looks soooo comfy, what a life! xx

  6. It looks like a great book! Jennie is amazing isn't she! And thanks for the buffy update, she's so funny! Jxx

  7. What a great book to win, looks fantastic and that balcony is very you! x

  8. The book looks makes me crave a pantry. I love little jars all lined up! I will look for it at Ikea.


  9. Congrats on your win. It looks like an awesome book. Thanks for sharing some of the photos - they are drool-worthy!

  10. i don't know what's more beatuiful ... that book or that kitty!

    thanks for sharing your book with us.

  11. That's a fabulous win! Great book. Thanks for sharing the images.

  12. Ooh, thanks for sharing, Kerry! Now I have something else to add to my Booko wishlist! J x

  13. Buffy looks very smug and contented on that very gorgeous throw! I won the book too and can't wait to have a good read through it.

  14. Ooh... so jealous! I think I'm going to have to put this on my book depository wishlist!

  15. I want to have her in a book ! I love the picture.
    I guessed that the book was from IKEA and it was right. Is it good ??

    Have a lovely day


  16. that looks brilliant - love a good new book over summer. i bought the shack book when i was down south and spent hours pouring over the pictures. hope you enjoy yours darl, looks great. think i will keep and eye out for it xx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.