
Sunday, January 9, 2011

a strange Sunday morning vehicle sighting...

Across the road from Richard's house this morning...
A kombi van converted into a ute...and a dual cabin one at that...only in Australia! And a huge surprise in conservative old Canberra. It must have taken a wrong turn somewhere :)
Put a smile on my face anyway.
image by a tranquil townhouse


  1. It looks like it could have been an extra in a 'Thomas the Tank' spin-off series.

    Someone has really put some thought into it's 'creation'.


  2. It's great, isn't it? They're cool old cars. I think I may have seen a ute conversion down here in Tasie too - fits right at home in our quirky little state :)
    Have a great Sunday x

  3. My Dad used to have a light blue Kombi ute back in the day when they used to be popular. We had a white Beatle and a yellow Kombi van too. Thanks Kerry, that's brought back some memories of my childhood. xx

  4. A friend here in Bath has a 4WD version - you either love 'em or hate 'em. The bed is far too bloody high to be useful. as far as I am concerned.

  5. How funny! I've never seen one converted like that before :) Hope you're having a nice weekend Kerry and feeling better x

  6. It a very strange way!!!!!
    Hope the flu is leaving you behind xo

  7. I hope it goes to the Denni ute roundup, it is very unique!

  8. That's great! I hope you score a ride.

  9. Our neighbour has an aqua one that he uses for his gardening business - its great!

  10. It makes you thonk back to the good old care free days of youth :)

  11. I have never seen one like this before. Maybe I need to get out more :)
    Pam x

  12. Hi - I love it! It really caught my eye on the blog roll. Pretty picture with the garden too... L x

  13. What a great photo Kerry. I love anything unusual
    ....and, it's really cold here and, I can feel the warmth radiating from this image. Really summery.
    The Australian Open starts on the 17th January so, I will be up all night watching it so, I will be on your time !!!! XXXX

  14. I remember my dad having a combi van and travelling around country Victoria sitting in the back playing with my Barbies. Mind you, there were no seats in the back nor seat belts..can you imagine? Ha only in Australia..thanks for the memories.. X

  15. I've never seen anything like it! Interesting . . . Hope you're feeling better.

  16. What a sight! So Australian. So perfectly odd!

  17. that is a factory car not a conversion. They made factory single cab versions too.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.