
Thursday, January 6, 2011

things that should be getting done that aren't...and a peek of the white living room

I have, had ok still do have great plans for my long holiday break. There is so much I want to do around the house...but I am laid low with the stupid flu or cold, or whatever it is. It's made me completely lethargic, is driving me nuts and all I feel capable of doing is watching bad TV and knitting dishcloths! At least I'm not out shopping!
Case in point...this is the bottom part of my bedroom. It had a really, really ugly built in desk that I ripped out almost a year ago now. I have had the plastering done, but that's where its all stopped. This needs to must be painted white to match the top half...I think it's the window trim that's stopping me!
On the plus side, I did score that fabulous granny blanket you see on the chair crocheted by my great grandma quite a long time ago, and this beautiful hand embroidered and crocheted tablecloth done by her as well. I pinched it when I cleaned out mum's linen cupboard when I visited at Christmas. Bounty from doing a good deed :)
And even though my house is not at its best right now (a bit like me) I thought you might like a peek of the newly painted living room and the chandeliers that have finally made it to the ceiling and not the floor where they were stored! 
I'll do proper photos later...styled 'n all like I know you like them...that is, photos without the TV remote perched on the arm of my sofa and the cushions in the right place! And I might do a before and after...I think you'll see quite a difference. Oh yeah, and I also have big plans for painting a few canvases as well...when I'm well :)
OK, back off to the cricket now (that's how you know I'm sick...I'm watching the cricket...the men in white coats will be arriving soon I'm sure!)


  1. Sorry you aren't feeling well -must be sick to be etching cricket! I love the chandeliers - how cool to have such high and big ceilings that you can have three! Living room is looking good, you must be happy to have that room painted. Feel better soon. Xxxx Mary

  2. I meant watching cricket - iPad hard to get used to for typing!

  3. Oh No! I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. Get plenty of rest and perhaps some homemade chicken noodle soup. Those chandeliers are absolutely beautiful! Happy New Year!

  4. Get better soon!

    Sounds awful ... I love how clean and ordered your lounge room is ... I think I recognised parts of your Header too! It was like seeing an old friend ... white walls look wonderful ... and I wouldn't hvae even noticed that tv control if you hadn't pointed it out!

  5. Love the walls! Sorry you're not feeling well. My husband was sick for his entire week off and he never gets sick.. Hope you're better soon..Rachaelxx

  6. You poor thing Kerry, it is terrible to have some time off only to be sick for it! Your chandy's look wonderful and I love the new wall colour. xx

  7. It looks great Kerry. White walls are always a winner for me. I also like your treasures from your Mum's place. Hope you feel better soon. x

  8. Kerry feel better soon and you have done a great job so far. Love the Chandeliers!

    Art by Karena

  9. Hi Kerry,just found your blog and am now happily following along.Hope you're feeling better soon..xx

  10. Oh, Sweets, sending you healthy vibes from Hobart. I must admit, however, I was chuckling as soon as I read 'knitting dishcloths'! Too funny. What a way to start 2011. J x

  11. Hope you feel better soon Kerry. Love the peek of your white and the chandeliers. They look great! xx

  12. Looking great Kerry, especially those chandeliers. So much nicer hanging from the ceiling than the floor don't you think and I love the way you have grouped them. Hope you are feeling better soon. ;-)

  13. Its looking good Kerry. Love the chandeliers, very very much. I too was laid low with a very annoying cold. All I could do was lie on the couch and crochet. I am making up for it now though and am whipping through stuff like a madwoman. I hope you feel brand new very soon.~Deb~

  14. You have a wonderful house ! Many lovely things in there.

    I hope that you will feel better soon :)


  15. The room looks absolutely fabulous!
    I am so sorry you have the flu but on the other hand is one of those dishcloths blue by any chance?!!!!!!! xoxo ~ J

  16. I hope you feel better soon Kerry! I've been fighting off a cold with a very sore throat for the last few days and I know what you mean it makes you just want to blob doesn't it. Your lounge room looks gorgeous and I love the chandi's all hung up.Your bounty from your grandma is gorgeous! I don't know how they had the patience to embroider like that... wish I did :)
    Hope you're feeling better soon :)

  17. I am also thinking of painitng my rooms white ,but there are soooo! many to choose from ,can I ask what colour you chose?

  18. Get well soon Kerry, i have a new staple gun loaded & ready, what can i help you with?? Your life is real, it's fun & colourful. Had to giggle at the remote control, i flick that out of shot like i'm above ever watching television, he he he, love Posie

  19. Oh you poor chook, hope you feel better soon. You really must be I'll if you are watching cricket!
    I love your grandma's bits as well as your chandies, they'd look fab switched on. I also tend to leave my remotes on the arm of my couch too!

  20. Darn iPod thingy, I meant ill, not I'll! Aaarrgh :)

  21. Your living room looks amazing Kerry - so fresh and light and yet full of warmth and character. Love it and love the chandeliers. Hope you are feeling much better soon x

  22. Ooh I love the chandeliers, the white paint and your gorgeous throw and embroidery (how special)!!! Hoping that by now, you are feeling much better. Wish I lived just around the corner so I could pop on over with some chicken soup and a bottle of wine to look after you :) Sending you get well hugs, and I would not worry about the will feel like it once you are well, it is not going anywhere. Rest and take care lovely lady ~ Tina xx

  23. You have a lovely home.Hopping over to say Hello and HAPPY Thursday.
    Hugs, Katherine

  24. It's nice seeing some 'real' photos. You have a beautiful home Kerry - get well soon :)

  25. The chandeliers look great Kerry. My mum crochets a small nanna blanket for each new baby born into our family. Over the years they have become treasured and well used items, my two babes use them as their "TV blankets".

  26. Your chandeliers are lovely, and your artful living room. You stack books like a true blogger! I hope you feel more perky soon.

  27. It's looking really good. I love the blanket and tablecloths. I used to have a couple of embroidered tablecloths belonging to my grandmother but they got mislaid years ago, so I only have one left which belonged to my late aunt. I love the skill and patience women used to have to produce such beautiful things.

    Get well soon xx

  28. I wish you to get well soon! And till then it is a nice way to take stock (though it looks lovely as it is) and dream and make plans!

  29. hope you get well soon :)

  30. The chandeliers look amazing! I love them!
    I too have been slowed down by a nasty bronchial thing that won't leave me. Not ideal when you want to start the New Year with a bang and get loads of stuff done. Feel better soon Kerry :-)


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