
Monday, February 21, 2011

the art of mixing work and pleasure...

Those of you who pay attention to the detail will know that I'm part owner of a HR company here in Canberra. I don't write about work much because I like to keep things separate. Plus a lot of my work colleagues read this blog and I therefore always have to keep it nice...which as we know with not always possible :)
But, sometimes I get so proud of who we are and the way we roll that I have to share.
On Friday we took the company on a bit of a magical mystery tour. We started off on a bus at 6.15 (at least it wasn't a Monday) to go to Bowral to do a bit of planning. And we did...I have the good old butcher's paper to prove it!
Then, back on the bus and we were on our way to the big smoke for a bit of a surprise (mind you, it was the worst kept secret in company history, but we managed to keep it from a few). 
And the surprise was going to see Jersey Boys...the musical about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. 
It was an absolute blast...especially of the 'from the past' kind. Although not quite old enough to remember the early songs, I definitely remember the 70s stuff. In fact, some of it takes me back to particular places in time really easily...

...that boat trip party on the Brisbane River in 1977 especially! A boy called Justin. But that's a whole other story ;)
So, it was really nice for the owners of the company (there are four of us) to do something for our very hard working staff. They enjoyed it. We enjoyed being able to make it happen. And it just goes to show that work can be a bit of ok when all the stars are aligned :)
And I also got to make a brief trip to Newtown on Saturday morning to see the first born's new digs (v. nice) and a saunter up King's Road. Where most of the shops I wanted to go into weren't open until 11 a.m., which alas was the time the bus was heading home. Still, I did manage to buy a new cushion...where there's a will and all that :)
And here's one of my favourite old time songs to finish off with...Frankie Valli's first solo's just beautiful. And if everyone's not happy at work on this Monday, I give up!!


  1. Dear Kerry, It is always a delicate balancing act, I feel, to keep friendly relationships with one's work colleagues but yet retaining a professional distance. It sounds to me as if you work hard to achieve this balance and I am sure that your day of planning and fun was highly successful in bonding your work team together.

  2. What a fabulous thing to do for your team and I bet the morale in the office today is fabulous. And that first quote is perfect advice for a Monday morning!

  3. That looks like it was great fun. I didn't know you were a part owner of a HR firm, are a busy bee!

  4. I bet everyone comes to work today with smiles on their faces! What a great gift to give your company. Happy workers, and all that ... I suspect you'd be a wonderful woman to work for.

    I don't know why some shops open late! In the Brisbane suburb of Paddington, many don't open until 9:30am and that's a long time to wait when you have a psychopath in a pram ... and then everyone acts shocked when stores are the victim of people's internet buying.

    You tell me, Kerry. You tell me.

  5. Why doesn't it surprise me that you're also a great boss? What a wonderful day/night out! Rachaelxx

  6. Aw Kerry, you are a great boss! I work for local govt so you can imagine, there's not much thanks for all the work we do, but then I do some fun work so I don't mind too much. Yesterday we organised and held a small event based around beanies! We had workshops and demonstrations all about knitting, crochet and so on - you could have come and shown the masses how you make your dishcoths!

  7. What a great reward for yourselves and staff Kerry and I hope everyone appreciated it. Sounds like it was a bit of fun. I hope you got to have a little shop time in Bowral too, I love it there. I was also in Sydney on the weekend, it was hot and I got some colour on my lilly skin! ;-)

  8. Wow, Kerry. I would love to work in your company. Can't complain about the company I work for, but we certainly don't get to have as much fun! Employees who feel rewarded for what they give to their employer tend to work happier, stay longer, and be more productive. It's wonderful what you are doing for them.

  9. Of course you'd be a great boss, goes without saying! And if you don't have shiny, happy workers this morning, they need to have a good hard look at themselves, as my nanna would say :) K xx

  10. sounds like a breilliant trip - i want to work in your office!! hope the week is a great one too. xxxx

  11. What a fantastic idea. I wish I had seen Jersey Boys when it came to Chicago. I love that song, too. And yes, Frankie Valli was a little bit before my time, but that what what older siblings were good for!


  12. How fun! You sound like a great company to work for, because that's a fantastic way of saying thank you to the staff :-)

  13. What a wonderful weekend and what a wonderful boss you are! But then I always knew you would be! enjoy the rest of the week xo

  14. Forgot to say, I want my next job to be with you!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Sigh. No way my big fat department's going to send me on a bus trip to a Jersey Boy concert any time soon. Oh. A bus trip maybe. ACTION that is. We don't do butcher's paper very well either - it always seems so contrived and useless when there is no continuity. I do like a good Taskforce though. They get choccy biccies, day trips and manage to plan with purpose.

  16. Hi one of the images you have published I am the owner of and You have not requested rights to use.
    Can you please remove it



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