
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 22 Feb 11

Hi are you all?
I am still a little weary...
after all the excitement of the work magical mystery tour last week...
'twas a lot of fun...
but the work was certainly still there come Monday...
back in the office...
and not in old Sydney town...
but in funny old Canberra...
nation's capital and all that.
Still, I did manage to nip out at lunchtime yesterday...
and make a small latest toy
...bought because I'm heading off to that place shown right to  my new iPad.

I know :)


  1. Oh Kerry, I approve of your purchases - how exciting!! I use an iTouch which is like a super mini ipad and it's great.
    Have you been to NYC before? I haven't, but it's a dream of mine, so I can't wait to hear what you think. I'm still willing to squish into a suitcase and be your personal slave/assistant if you'd like?
    ps interiors are pretty too! Love the pale blue wall in ne of them x

  2. Favourite image - first one.

    Oh, how I wish I could purchase one of those i-devices! They look magical ... like the wardrobe portal to Narnia, minus the bad witch. There must be an outlet willing to trade children for the latest Apple accessory.

    New York is YOUR Big Apple accessory!!

  3. Oh to have boss like you Kerry!

    I laughed out loud when I scrolled down to the bed with the large crown above it. Who sleeps there I wonder?

    No excuses for not blogging directly from NY now with that iPad in tow.

  4. Sorry about that typo, left out an 'a'

  5. You absolutely cannot go to NYC without an iPad - you'd be shunned... in fact most of the kids in my six year old's cricket team seem to have them...! Love that burst of colour in the first pic - red chairs are delicious.... think I'll leave the crown to Kate and Wills. A x

  6. Ok, so your next blog post shall be a full run down on that new toy of yours - the pros, cons, capabilities, shortcomings.....and anything else you can think of. At least 2000 words should do it. Oh, and your report is due tomorrow. Thanks. K xx

  7. Love these photos Kerry...they make me happy:)
    Until I saw the lucky thing !!!

    Have a wonderful time in New York...ya gonna luv it!!

    Jeanne xxx

  8. I love the Bright.Bazaar picture and LOVE the pink chaise. How exciting going to New York..have a wonderful time!

  9. You off to NY and moi off to bed! And don't I wish it was in that bed in your second picture. I have indeed fallen in love with that space, the yellow chest of drawers and repeat your own question to you: CAN ONE MARRY A SPACE??? I want that one!
    Well don't you on the Iphone. My turn next ;))

  10. I love that desk with the artwork displayed prettily above it - perfect!! Hope you have a good week xx

  11. Such gorgeous photos and rooms! They all look pretty and stunning!

  12. What a very lovely pink couch! I so love it.

  13. Love the first image. The dinning area looks so fabulous!

  14. Kerry..I love the artwork and these spaces..very boho/eclectic !
    And super jealous of not only your trip to NY..but you have an IPAD and I want one now! ;) just got to convince the hubby that its a necessity and not a want..hmmm..might need to work on that. When do you take flight my lovely? x

  15. I've got major purchase envy... the iPad AND the NY adventure. Yay for you!

    Love that crown. Love. x

  16. Thank you so much for including Bright.Bazaar in your weekly round up!

  17. So you broke down and got it early! it is much lighter than a laptop and doesn't have to be checked in luggage when flying to the
    US! I want to pick up the attachment so I can load photos directly from the camera to the
    iPad w/o going through the computer. I'm still getting used to it but really do like it. Works much quicker when himself isn't on the internet at the same time as I am downstairs. I have books loaded and the NYC guide so am getting set for the big trip. My paper guide is getting full of post-its! Mary PS Love all the pictures on the wall in your 2nd last photo (since the last one is the iPad).

  18. Gorgeous round up! And a trip to NYC sounds quite exciting.

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment last week. I'm glad it led me to discover your lovely blog!



I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.