
Monday, February 7, 2011

guilt inducing you indulge?

I have a confession. I did (and please excuse my French) stuff-all this weekend. Things I should have been doing, didn't get done. I stayed in my pyjamas until after lunch on Saturday and Sunday. 
I didn't put my washing away, much less touch an iron.
I really didn't think much about blogging...which I'm trying to tell myself is a good thing...only every now and then...of course ;)
I didn't go and play volleyball as I promised myself I would.
I didn't do the financial paperwork that I really must do, and I didn't start an assignment that absolutely needs to be started.
I did the barest amount of grocery shopping that I could get away with. And I didn't do a whole lot of other things that I won't bore you with.
But here's what I did do. I enjoyed the solitude of having the house to myself. The 22 year old was in Sydney for the weekend helping the first born move out of an apartment she shared with a very odd French man and into a house with four other 40 degree plus heat...poor loves.
I thought about my upcoming trip to New York (thank you so much for the suggestions...please keep them coming). 
I read. I read lots. I watched old movies. I did a bit more to the Ballets Russes painting. Biting off more than I can chew comes to mind when I look at this...many, many more hours required until it's decent...but I will persevere thanks to some lovely encouragement from my blogging/facebook friends!
I went out for dinner with my man on Friday...we had fabulous salt and pepper squid. I made a nice dinner at home for us on Saturday. I went out for dinner at my lovely friends Chris and Terry's on Sunday...I'll photograph their house one'll love it. So, I guess, in effect what I did was stop...and in a life full of constantly doing stuff...enjoy, for the moment, being a sloth. Like the vampire slayer does every single day of her life! 
 Now I just need to work out how to do that without feeling guilty. Any hints?


  1. Sounds like an ideal weekend Kerry! The trick to remember is 'life is too short not to be having fun! Chores can wait, good times cannot!' :) Have a great week. xx

  2. The perfect weekend Kerry... how can there be any guilt. Don't you feel just wonderful! A-M xx

  3. Kerry, isn't that what weekends are meant to be for? The three R's? Glad you enjoyed yours. ;-)

  4. A perfect weekend! I miss being able to have a day of sloth, as I'm still at the stage "Mum can you make me breakfast" well before 7am stage. The painting is coming along nicely.

  5. Go girl! I think that is fantastic, never feel guilt for taking time out for yourself.

  6. It all sounds perfect Kerry. If it wasn't for the few hours of gardening and daisy bush pruning I pretty much did nothing either. Lyn is away so I had no-one looking over my shoulder seeing what I was up to (not that he does that). I only feel a smidge of guilt but today I will fill in my day off by getting some actual houseowrk done, maybe :)
    Really it sounds to me like you had a busy weekend, no matter that you werein your pj's for most of it! Can't wait to see the painting when it's done - it's looking great.

  7. I wouldn't feel guilty ... sometimes you need a break from all those tasks.

    Sometimes my children will spend a whole Saturday in their pyjamas and be still in them when it's time to go to bed ... When you've got so much on all the time, being obsessive about the otherwise unimportant minutiae of your life would lead to breaking point.

    Sounds like you enjoyed your weekend and did heaps. I'm intrigued by the 25-yr-old sharing a flat with an old French man ... sounds a bit bohemian!

    And I'm loving your painting!

  8. I love the idea of a weekend with absolutely nothing fact, that's my perfect weekend. It's sad that we feel guilty when we spend time relaxing, but take a leaf out of your sweet little Slayer's book - no guilt there! I had a nice weekend too, just some pottering and painting and cooling off in the pool, and I didn't feel one little bit guilty either. We all need to stop and take a breath sometimes, so I'm glad you got to do just that. K xx

  9. I think that sounds like an absolutely wonderful weekend - lots of time to yourself, time with your man and your friends. Weekends are supposed to be relaxing. Felt for the kids moving in that type of heat! I shovelled snow yet again! Went to the travel agent so details will wing your way soon. Went to the eldest's for dinner (suriviving a very snowy and extended drive to get there) and stayed overnight with her and her husband, eating, drinking and playing games. Isn't it nice when your kids entertain you on occasion! I didn't realize how big your painting is going to be - of course it will take a little bit of time. Enjoy it while you paint. You sound like you relaxed and are ready to take on another busy week. Mary xxx PS Sloth is such a descriptive word when you know what a sloth is!

  10. Oh, Kerry, you lucky duck. Forget guilt - a wasted emotion. So glad you enjoyed yourself. I can't imagine having so much time to myself to do whatever I liked. Bliss! J x

  11. Never feel guilty about doing absolutely nothing. It's a wasted emotion. It's taken me a few years to get rid of the guilt, but now if I want to stay in my pjs all day and do nothing...I do. It sounds like you had the perfect weekend and I'm sure you feel much better for it.

  12. I love a good pj day. Sounds like you were pretty social all the same. I think it should be compulsory to stay in your pj's until lunchtime at least once per month.

  13. Life's too short to be feeling guilty, Kerry. Life your life without regret - imagine getting to 75, looking back and remembering all the chores you'd done successfully, but realising you'd had no fun.
    Life is also all about you. Enjoy it, slothfully if you like - you only get one bash!

  14. YOu had a great weekend for someone who didn't do much.

    Never feel guilty.yu only get one life.

  15. I never feel guilty- waste of time!

    I see you've just read Aunts up the Cross- It is one of the best books EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you read her other one? Don't you love her parents??? Loved the Men and the Girls too- I've met Joanna- very elegant and glam in real life x

  16. I was super duper lazy this weekend, but I'm blaming it on my birthday! Love guilt free laziness... so rare, so precious :-)

  17. Life is short....enjoy it. You have a lovely blog...I'm glad that I found it...following now...k

  18. These are my favorite kinds of weekends. Good for you! You deserve the rest and relaxation. Thanks for inspiring me to read again!!!


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