
Friday, February 4, 2011

chinese new year and some NY travel tips from you... if you would be so kind

Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit to you...any cause for celebration is ok by me...and yes, I know I'm a day late...but it's probably still February 3 somewhere in the world surely :)
According to Chinese tradition, the Rabbit brings a year in which you can catch your breath and calm your nerves.
Oh well, bring that on thank you very muchly...what with floods, cyclones, snow storms and goodness knows what else in the last month, let alone the last year, we could all do with some calm! Perhaps the year of the Tiger was just having its last hurrah! We can hope.

Can you believe the size of that bunny! And no, I'm not related to the man in the colourful jumper...
Anyway, enough of that. Now that I've got your attention with a bizarre picture, and rabbiting on about Chinese horoscopes, here's what I really wanted to tell you. I'm going on a little trip next month and I need your help. Where are you going Kez I hear you ask...just in case you glossed over the post title. Well this, dear bloggy peeps would be the answer... you'd know if you FB with me.
I'm going to Washington for work (oh yes, work can definitely have its benefits), plus one day there for sightseeing. And then (don't hate me please) I'm going to New York for six lovely days...days made all the more lovely because I will be meeting my Canadian friend Mary there. We haven't seen each other for 20 years when our husbands were both posted to the UK. How exciting is that! BTW, she's still got that husband...I was a little more careless :)
So....what should we do in our six days? What are the must sees? If you haven't been there let me know what you'd love to do if you were coming with us...and we'll try to do it for you (which I know is absolutely no consolation but  it's the best I can do). Sorry about that.
I'm making a list. I'll be checking it twice (oops, wrong holiday). I know I'll want to do some of the usual tourist things, but I'm hoping for something a bit different as well. Do you know any great flea markets for instance. Funny little shops were I can find a treasure that will speak to me forever of New York. You know what I mean don't you. So, if you know about a gem, or you know someone who does, could you please pass it on? I'd be ever so grateful. Can't speak for Mary though...she's probably got her own plans!
Have an absolutely fabulous weekend and thank you very much for all the comments this're a top lot. You really are.


  1. It feels more real now! I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestions as to what we should do - flea markets sound great. I am happy to do whatever, so long as we get some good meals and the odd glass of wine or two in there! I'm packing good walking shoes! Mary

  2. Oh Kerry, I only have one NY travel tip and that is....TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!

  3. I'm going to spend some time in Washington this month after years of tantalising glimpses through taxi windows on the way back to the airport - so if I find great things, I'll share!

  4. Sarah... I wish I could take you all with me...what fun we'd have :)
    Thank you Tricia's all very new and exciting. 20 years since I've been to the USA and that was just DisneyWorld on the way back to Australia from the UK!

  5. No tips I'm afraid. I've never been, but we are contemplating making the next road trip one in the old U.S of A. I will be so armchair travelling with you. Let me know what I should pack. Bit exciting what!

  6. How exciting Kerry, no tips from me as I haven't been either but will be looking forward to hearing all about it - lucky girl! ;-)

  7. Have fun in Washington, Kerri. I live in the US, but, shame on me, haven't made it to Washington D.C. yet.
    (By the way, that is an enormous rabbit - I can't really call it "bunny").

  8. How exciting. Of course the Guggenheim in NY and the Cupcake Cafe. Go see Promises Promises with Sean Hayes. Fish's Eddy for cool retro stuff. The Hell's Kitchen Flea Market, and if not to busy I could fix you up on a blind date with my brother.:)

  9. Oh NY is my dream destination. Please you have to take photos of everything!!! (Very dramatic exclamation marks) Now a while ago on Grace's blog sense and simplicity she showed photos her daughter had taken. If you have time, pop over and check them out. They were wonderful.
    Lucky you. I am sure thought that you will be working very hard for most of the trip. Enjoy.
    I reckon that up sized bunny is scary!

  10. Tip #1: you need a bag bitch! Oh, ok then, I suppose I could do it, seeing as though you asked so nicely :) Actually, my sister had a dream that I needed to go to NY in a hurry, and called me last week to tell me to get my passport in order! True story, I kid you not. Until you realise you need me desperately, you might want to head on over to, or - both lovely ladies have just been there and have blogged about it, so you might find some tips. K xx

  11. I am so envious-I LOVE New York! I am sure you will get heaps of tips but my favourite place to get a good view is the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Centre and we also love visiting the Met and Guggenheim museums. Don't forget to see a show too! Oh boy, you are going to have a ball!

    Best wishes and happy weekend,

  12. Hi Kerry, You should go to the High line Park, for sure, quite remarkable. You will see on foot a view of ny that is different than all others. The Chelsea flea market is the best I believe and Chelsea is the new gay neighborhood, so the area will be full of good looking men (you are sight seeing right). The East Village is young and hip and has wonderful places to eat and of course the West Village is beautiful full of old money row houses and shopping.

  13. I'm a Rabbit year gal, as is my eldest, which puts us at 36 & 12 this year, nibble nibble. Love Posie

  14. Wow! Lucky you! I wish I could give you a suggestion ... of course I'd just go to the Guggenheim and MOMA ... I have some friends who recently stayed in the Meatpacking District (I think that's what it's called ...) That's pretty hip.

    Just have a wild time!

  15. J for jealous Kerry!! I went to New York when I was 20, by myself, backpacking and staying in a youth hostel. So needless to say my suggestion will be out of date and on the povo side! I did go op shopping in Soho though.

  16. You lucky, lucky duck, Kerry. I will be with you in spirit. Make sure you take plenty of photos - pretty please! J x

  17. SO jealous! I was there last April. A friend went there this time last year and it was freezing. Take warm clothes and boots. Also, go see Wicked on Broadway. Wonderful. Visit the shop Anthropologie and be sure to have a fresh baked pretzel. The bakeries and delis are to die for.

  18. is it real...dont tell me its real...if its real its larger than ground hog lol

  19. I'll ask my husband, he's been there a couple of times. I'm a Rabbit in Chinese astrology, maybe that means I'll have a great year! Rachaelxx

  20. Some highlights from a NY visit 2009.The Frick Museum on 1 East 70th Street. Top of the Rock as a previous blogger suggested. The Reading room at
    New York city library (looks like a set from a movie) ENJOY

  21. It is my DREAM to go to New York - you lucky lucky thing!

  22. A drink at the King Cole Bar in the St Regis Hotel is a must!! I'm pretty sure the bloody mary was invented there. And visit the real Winnie The Pooh and his friends at the NY public library on 5th Avenue (the one where Ghostbusters was filmed... added bonus!)

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I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.