
Thursday, February 3, 2011

what I read in january 2011...

Yasi update: I'm so relieved to say that I've just heard from my peeps in Far North Queensland and they are all well and relatively unscathed.  I can breathe out now :)
Reading is like breathing to me. Absolutely necessary. But since this whole blogging palaver began I have been doing less and less...but not anymore! I've started a new monthly 'series'...doesn't that sound grand :)
I have promised myself to get back to where I once was...devouring books by the bucket load.
And to keep me on the straight and narrow I thought I'd do a monthly round-up of the books I've read.  I won't be reviewing them in any detail (because quite honestly, neither you nor I have the time for that now do we) but I will tell you about the one I liked the best.  So, this month (remembering that I've been on holidays so the list is impressive...even if I do say so myself!) I've order...
Moral Hazard by Kate Jennings - fiction
Villa Fortuna by Geoffrey Luck - memoir
Bones to Ashes by Kathy Reichs - crime fiction
Beloved Homes by Ikea Family - design
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell - historical fiction
Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos - fiction 
The King's Speech by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi - non fiction based on Lionel Logue's diaries
Knitting by Anne Bartlett - fiction
Nomad by Ayaan Hirsi Ali - non fiction/memoir
I enjoyed all of these although The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet was extremely difficult to get in to and if it hadn't been for Book Club I might not have persevered! Glad I did though.
Nomad was unputdownable and more than a little bit disturbing. I've given it to a friend to get his perspective. I haven't read the first of her books Infidel, but I will...
The one that touched me the most (and which I enjoyed the most) was Love Walked In...which was recommended by Julienne. Thank you Julienne, you sure got that right. When I told a friend I was reading a book called Love Walked In she wanted to know if it was a Mills and Boon...honestly, as if I would! It does sound a bit soppy but it is anything but. The story of Cornelia, a cafe manager in Philadelphia...looking for something but not sure what...and Clare, a lost 11 year old reaching out for her father, and a mother who has suddenly disappeared on her. Their paths cross and it's beautiful. The writing is lyrical, magical, literary but easy. It's like a conversation. This is a book you can have a relationship with...better than some of the men I've had relationships with that's for sure ;)
There is a sequel. I'm on to it :)

images 1 and 2 from weheartit


  1. I'm the same Kerry, I used to read non-stop pre-blog but now I'm a bit slack. I'll have to search out that last one - I love a good book recommendation. I'm finally reading a Memory Keepers Daughter. Not bad.
    Have a nice day Kerry x

  2. Dear Kerry, This is an impressive and eclectic list. Many of these I have not heard of but, of course, one must have been incarcerated in a tomb for the past goodness knows how long not to have heard of the King's Speech in the UK. It will just serve evryone right if it does not win any awards...but it is possibly rather too good for that.

    I would certainly never venture near anything with the title Knitting even if it is a work of fiction but might just give your recommended novel a go as they say!!

  3. Wow Kerry - this IS an impressive list. I like your idea of doing a monthly post. As a former English teacher (and avid reader), I too, feel that reading is like breathing. However, since I've started blogging, I've let reading slip b/c we spend so much time reading other people's blogs, writing our own, and figuring out all of the technical stuff that goes along with having a blog. I look forward to seeing your monthly picks! (Lately I'm reading lots and lots of labor and delivery books, since I'm only 7 weeks away from a new baby!)

  4. Hi Kerry, I am very impressed with your January list. I too am making a conscious effort to read more this year but even so, my January efforts are half of yours - and I thought I was doing well!

  5. Great to have a monthly review... good idea.
    I like the sound of Nomad and Infidel. I would have walked away (or run) from Love Walked In but I trust you! Knitting is perhaps not for me.... as you know Edith and I tend to be on the same page in these matters. A x

  6. Wow that is an impressive list, Kerry. I've read a lot last month too, but it has been mostly light, fluffy and undemanding.

  7. What a terrific reading list!
    I love it's diversity [wanted to write eclecticity but pretty sure that's not a word!] and always enjoy a great book recommendation.

    Can't wait to see what your Feb. reads are.

    Felicity x

  8. Kerry ....I hear you on the reading front. I am sad that I do not spend as much time as I should now that blogging and tweeting has entered my life.
    I love that feeling when you can't wait to find time to yourself to carry on with a story. Now you have me thinking....

    Glad to hear your friends and family are safe in sound in North Queensland. We have spent a lot of time in Port Douglas over the years and I wonder how they will fare there.

    Best wishes Kerry :)

    Jeanne xx

  9. Glad you hear your Peeps are fine. What a long and harrowing night for you all.
    Love your list. Very impressive. Have added a couple to my possible bookclub book list. Have a great day. Deb

  10. I just staggered home from the library, sheer escapism! Relieved that Yasi has done its worst now, and I'm trying to focus on refreshed aquifers and blooming deserts, which will surely follow - not much consolation to people on the coast...

  11. Infidel is an amazing book.
    As is Marianne Pearl's A Mighty Heart - a must read for everyone.

  12. I have seen Love Walked In in the book stores and have come thisclose to buying it! Now I will based on your kind words about it. I am amazed that you find so much time to read...or that you have read so many books in a month. I really need to stop with my quick magazine reads and pick up a book! You're an inspiration!


  13. So glad for you Kerry my thoughts last night where definitley with you and every one in Queensland ,I hope they can recover quickly from this?
    I love reading too ,and yes blogging has made me slow down a bit which for me is a good thing considering the cost of books!

  14. Just seen your post ... glad all the beloveds are okay. That's all the matters.

    That last book looks like a good one ... I like your little review ... I started to feel the tears brim just reading that! Lonely 11-year-olds - they do it to me everytime!

    My next reads are "Civil Procedure: Commentary and Materials" and "Queensland Evidence Law" ... I don't think they'll be too crash hot or recommend-worthy.

  15. Kerry, what a book worm you are!!!! ;-)

  16. Love your list...and I'm going to steal it! I've already read the Kathy Reichs book, but I'll definitely be checking out the rest. So happy too, that Yasi was less fierce than first expected, and that your loved ones are all a-ok. K xx

  17. Wonderful reading list. I too am a bookworm and am on a reading roll right now. Will keep your book tips in a special file for when I am through my current pile of goodness.

    So relieved you heard from your friends. Does that include the one on Magnetic Island?
    What is happening to this beautiful country..!?! Haven't there been enough turmoil in Queensland (and Victoria and W Australia) now..!?!


    xx C


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.