
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

waiting and hoping...

Update: How can something so treacherous look so beautiful...
There are people I love and care about in Townsville and Magnetic Island...waiting for Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Yasi to hit sometime later today...I wish I was there to do this.
Stay safe and bless xx


  1. I know, me too! Cyberhugs, Kerry.

  2. I know....I have everything possible are crossed, hoping for the best. K xx

  3. Forget my obvious lack of the ability to type a legible know what I mean :)

  4. I know Kerry ,very scary what else can the people of Queensland have thrown at them ,I am sure your loved ones will be fine and I am thinking of them and you at this time!

  5. oh dear...mother nature seems to be reaking havok. i am sending prayers down under...

  6. It's about time Mother Nature took some time out, Kerry. J x

  7. The weather is going crazy! Hope your family all stay safe! Prayers are going your way.

  8. I also have beautiful friends in Cairns and Townsville, I am so worried for them and their families. Mimi xx

  9. I can't believe this is happening...I so agree with Jane, I too think that Mother Nature needs a little break!

    Thinking of everyone up in North Queensland.

    Best wishes,

  10. I am so emotional. I can't believe what poor old Qld is about to go through. I just pray for peoples safety. I can't imagine the terror that little children are going to experience. I think about my children and how they would be in a situation like this and it makes me feel sick. Please be safe everyone. A-M xx

  11. It's just unreal and so scary. Everything crossed. Deb

  12. Absolutely. The Internet makes it such a small world, but not small enough to offer real help. Those poor people.


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