
Sunday, February 13, 2011

a note to the blog on its 1st birthday...

Dear blog,
Happy birthday to you. One year hey?
You've come quite a long way haven't you?
You've covered a bit of ground...those top ten pretty picture posts are a bit of alright aren't they...
You've made me do projects I would never have dreamed of doing this time last year...silly ones too...who could forget the frou-frou juju :)
I've always pondered, but you've made it into a public pondering now...and haven't people been kind when I've done that...
You've kept me up far too late at night.
You've distracted me no end.
You put a stop to my prolific reading (but don't you get all smug, I'm on to it so don't worry your little bloggy head about that)...
You've educated me...
You've frustrated me...
You've inspired me...
But do you want to know what the best thing you've done has been?
Simple've introduced me to wonderful people, helped me to make new friends. People who've given me so, so much. Encouragement, wit, wisdom, compassion, nonsense...all of that and more. 
I especially love the nonsense.
I've loved every bit of it...thank you blog. You can stick around for a while yet if you like.
So let's say we tell everyone how we feel shall much we love ' is Valentine's day soon after all...even though you and I really don't go in for that particular nonsense...
Please don't take this to mean that the blog or I want to marry you or's just a song we love...go with the general vibe and enjoy the Pride and Prejudice images while you're at Colin in these ones though, sorry about that :)
Thank you everyone.  I've said it before, I'll say it again, and now I've even put  it on the follower're a top lot.


  1. Kerry, what a beautiful post! Happy Birthday to you and your blog. It was such a delight to wake up this morning to read your usual witty and inspiring post. Keep them up please, We Love You!!! Happy Valentines :)

  2. Happy bloggy birthday - what a wonderful first year it's been x

  3. Aww, HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to the Tranquil of my most favourite blogs and bloggers EVER!!! Loved your post and for every ounce of friendship, inspiration and nonsense you have gained from everyone else...please know that you have given it back ten fold:) Enjoy the day dear Kerry!! Mwah ~ Txx

  4. Oh well done! So, do you get to eat cake today? Any excuse I think! xx

  5. Congratulations - what a lovely tribute to your blog!

  6. Happy First Birthday, Tranquil Townhouse Blog.

    You have come a long way.

    Though, I think that's because you have a wonderful mother.

    I like her a lot. You know why? I've found she's wise; and funny; she's generous and she's contemplative; she's intelligent and she's kind and, most of all, she's honest.

    I think you're a bit like her, TTBlog. I know you'll have a great 1st birthday.

  7. Congrats to you and the Blog (surely it deserves a Capital Letter) Look forward to much more knitting, um I mean nonsense...

  8. Happy Blogiversay Kerry! Lets hope there's many more years to come :)

  9. Hard to believe it has been a year! It's been nice getting to know you again. And thanks for introducing me to a brand new world! Have a great week! Mary

  10. Happy Bloggy Birthday Kerry and Buffy and cast of grown up children and handsome partner! I am enjoying your video and music as I type this.
    If you pop over tomorrow I have a video, with Colin and his white shirt. Just for us on Valentines day.
    You know I just love your blog and always tune in for some Kerry wit, beautiful pictures and thoughtful insights. I hope your next year of blogging is as wonderful as your first. Deb

  11. Happy happy blog b-day darl. So glad you started and so glad I found you.

    Stay as cool, clever and tranquil as you are darl. It's a killer combo.

    congrats!! xxxx

  12. Congratulations ! Is it one year now ? I hope for many years to come. Sorry for my english ! It's early in the morning here.


  13. Happy 1st Blog-versary. I agree that the sense of community and lovely comments are the most interesting thing about the whole blog malarkey.

    Here's to more years for you x

  14. Ah, Kerry. Happy 1st blogoversary, my friend! What a gorgeous little haven in Blogland you've created for us - thanks. I have relished getting to know you over the past 6 months - it's been a serendipitous delight. J x

  15. Happy 1st birthday! I am so glad I am back on board to see this!
    Kerry, I am so glad you completed some of those projects, I sooo love my dishcloths!
    Looking forward to following you for the next twelve months xoxo

  16. Very happy anniversary Kerry! It's been an absolutely sensational year, and I'm so glad I've been along for the ride. At risk of stealing your own words, your blog is splendiferous and I'm looking forward to many more anniversaries my friend:) xx

  17. Happy Bloggyversary Kerry!
    You're the cutest thing and a wonderful friend in blogland!!

  18. Hello!
    I’m already following your blog! Really loved it! Very gorgeous!!
    So, could you please follow me?
    Well, my blog is in Portuguese but you can comment in English, I’ll understand…
    Thanks a lot!

  19. Happy blog-day! Great b-day post as well....k

  20. Dear Kerry, Happy Blogoversary! Has it really been a seems so much longer!!!
    You, dear Kerry, have introduced me to things that I have had no previous knowledge ofand have made me laugh so much that tears have come to my eyes. You have also made me reflect on some poignant thoughts and ideas and have welcomed me into your life at the Tranquil Townhouse with generous and open arms. Congratulations.......bring on Year 2!!!

  21. Dear Kerry,
    Happy, happy 1st anniversary, blogwise, that is !!
    It has been so lovely to get to know you and read all of your brilliant posts. Funny, poignant, beautiful and clever , your posts have given me such pleasure.
    Here's to many, many, more years of A TRANQUIL TOWNHOUSE and lots more laughter and friendship. Much love. XXXX

  22. Happy 1st Birthday blog! And don't you look fabulous.. Rachaelxx

  23. Happiest of Blogiversaries, Darlin'!

  24. Happy 1st Birthday Tranquil Townhouse!!!! YAY!
    You are wiser and funnier beyond your 1yr :)
    And I have enjoyed every minute of it!
    Have a great V'day my dear,

  25. I love the froufrou juju! It's been so nice to 'meet' you this past year Kerry :-)

  26. You've said it so well, and the nonsense, the smart, inspired daft nonsense, is the best part for sure. Happy 1!

  27. Happy first year to ATT, I hope YOU know what joy YOU too have also brought us Kerry x

  28. And we love you right back!
    Happy Anniversary friend! xx

    Happy hugs from a few hours North.

    xx Charlotta


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.