
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 15.2.11

Thank you so much for all the lovely blog birthday messages...
the blog and I were ever so chuffed...
To say the vampire slayer is a bit put out is an understatement!
We went to a lovely dinner party on Saturday night...that would be Richard and me, not the blog and me...that would be just plain's far too young to be allowed out that late!
the food was delish...
goat cheese and fig jam tarts...
pork wrapped in prosciutto on a bed of apple, fennel and something else that I've forgotten...
cherry soup with vanilla icecream...
...and wines to match. We were spoiled.
No offence, but it was slim picture picking this week for me...there hasn't been all that much colour! I think everyone was focused on valentine's day...but yay, here's some...
Did you do the valentine's day thing?
We didn't. 
My valentines was spent working hard and collecting these here pictures for you lot...
so, happy valentine's day plus one :)
Oh...and well done Geoffrey Rush...and you too Colin x


  1. I like your top ten this week Kerry even with less colour. Thank you for spending your valentines putting it together. Your dinner party menu sounds rather flash.. Yummo! ;-)

  2. Glorious images Kerry! But you should have included the one of your sideboard from the post the other day!
    Dinner sounds lovely. Lyn and I plan on going out for dinner when he gets back from his stint of working away. We hardly ever go out so it will be nice to have dinner in an actual restaurant instead of a takeaway joint!
    Poor Slayer, maybe she needs a post of her own to boost her feline confidence?

  3. Hi Kerry,
    I think that you probably know that I love the whitey cream look, so this weeks top 10 is right up my street. I love that bathroom from Tiny White Daisies....there are always good pickings to be had there !! haha.
    We have been married for 35 years this year and have NEVER celebrated Valentine's Day. My husband has always said that it's for unrequited love and that our's is requited !! That's his excuse !! haha.
    Have a week full of love ! XXXX

  4. Your dinner sounds delicious. I do like that painting in the 'lime in the coconut' image.

    Nothing for Valentine's Day. I'm too cynical and can't 'pull-off' romance. We'll be married 10 years later this week. We're not even doing anything for that. I've never understood people celebrating wedding anniversaries ... it's as if they're shocked and pleased that they're still together.

  5. Happy belated Birthday, Kerry! It sounds like you went to a wonderful dinner party this weekend. Cherry Soup! It sounds like heaven!

    I love your pictures this week, especially the kitchen from HGTV...just gorgeous!


  6. Well I spent a lovely evening last night, with about eighty of my nearest and dearest, at an info night at school! Ah well, not to worry. We don't go in for big gestures, but I did get a lovely bag of hand-made Turkish Delight choccies (my absolute favourite1) and that was pretty good in my book. Sounds like your dinner was pretty flash, and as always I love your weekly top 10. Keep 'em comin'! K x

  7. It's so good ! I love the photos, your writing (and your humor). It really makes me feel better.

    Thanks !


  8. Not slim pickings at all IMHO. I love the kicthen with the pressed tin ceiling. Glad you had a lovely bithday celebration. And happy blog birthday too! What a milestone!
    X B

  9. Lovely parade as usual my friend. And thank you for the SPFI inclusion.. SPFI.. sounds like something my cat would say (or vomit) when she's miffed..!

    xx C

  10. The tile behind the sink is gorgeous! It's making my tile look very drab


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.