
Friday, February 25, 2011

soul food friday ~ switching off

I don't know about you, but I've had a really exhausting week. It's been mentally, physically and emotionally draining.
Work is intellectually demanding (which is how I like it) but oh, it takes it out of you.
I'm not getting enough sleep...unlike the slayer there. Blogging is partly to blame of course (I hate to miss out on anything!), and I'm trying to do more reading...of the book variety, and then there's that new iPad to play with.
I've had some difficult things to deal with emotionally...from more than one quarter. Peeps, you're on notice. Line up and take a number next time please! I'm only going to have emotional upsets on a minimum monthly basis from now on. Actually I think that should be maximum shouldn't it?  See, too tired to think straight :)
I don't want you to's no huge deal. But I do think, as I've thought for a long time...that I should learn how to meditate. Do you meditate? Does it work? How do you do it? Where should I start? 
And most importantly. Do you think it's hard to meditate when you've got a wet bum?? :)
all images from we heart it


  1. hope next week's better...

    I don't meditate, but I do like to action soothing meditative tasks like say repetitively stirring a rissoto. It's soothing and calming and then you have the added benefit of having something lovely to eat. Win/Win.


  2. That's no good Kerry. It looks like the Slayer knows just how to wind down.
    I don't meditate currently though have done it from time to time over the years. At the moment I feel just too busy! That's not a good excuse is it?
    Maybe it's like FF says, you can meditate doing other things, for me maybe it's opening a bottle and pouring a nice glass of wine?
    And no, I could not meditate with a wet bottom!
    Have a relaxing Friday Kerry x

  3. I think you need a holiday! Don't you wish we could all sleep like the Slayer? Don't think I could sit still long enough to meditate AND definitely not with a wet bum! Hang in there! The weekend is soon there so chill a bottle of wine and have a glass or two after work. Xx

  4. I'm sure it's impossible to meditate with a wet bum. And I would bet money on the fact that the minute that photo was taken, that beautifully serene and, dare I say it, tranquil model, jumped up and punched someone.

    I hear mediation is the key ... the other key is going to the bathroom and locking the door and pretending no one else exists.

  5. Aww Kerry. (But "I know, pet, I know." That's where I was before Christmas.) Meditate, Schemidate, hah. I reckon nothing beats exercise (just a walk or get a wet bum swimming gentle laps, don't sign up to Fernwood or anything) and enough sleep. But honestly who I am to preach. I worn to a rag with work -life balancing :o)

  6. ...slow long deep breaths, in through the nose out through the mouth :>)

  7. Depends on how your bum got wet, Kerry.

  8. ha that wet bum meditation made me laugh!
    I have meditated before and really enjoyed it, but only under the guidance of someone else, and then you need to find the time... then that can become another 'thing' and then that adds to stress.
    They do say 'if you can't meditate to clean', and of course 'the best cure for melancholy is industry'... of course a large glass of wine on a Friday evening with some music on may be best.
    Ommm Ommm Ommmm Namaste

  9. I know, never could master the 'wet bum, still mind' mantra! Your 'switch your head off' line descries me to a tee, and it's the one thing (amongst many others, but you get my drift) that I cannot conquer. If only there was an actual switch hey? Sorry you've had a stressful week, but keep singing 'New York, New York' and that might help a little :) K xx

  10. hope you get to have a recharging weekend darl, some weeks (months) (years) are killers, that is true.

    and when you have the meditation thing sussed, i'm booking a flight and you can teach me.


  11. Ah, mate, I'm hearing you. Maybe you should switch off everything for the weekend. Go cold turkey. Give your brain a rest. I've tried the meditation thing but really struggle with it, too. You're not alone! J x

  12. Hard to meditate with a numb bum.

    I find music really helps through emotional upsets - I can nearly always find a song which encapsulates my feelings, and when they are inchoate nothing soothes me more than the grandeur and high tone of a beautiful mass - nothing to do with belief systems, everything to do with leading me through a familiar emotional sequence.

    I drink too. Not much, just enough.

  13. My brain doesn't like to turn off unless I am sound asleep. So, that's why I have my squash, it is impossible to think about anything else except hitting the tiny black ball and possibly on occasions your opponent;)
    I think the meditating lady is preparing herself for equally good looking jungle rainforest man to spring out of the bushes and ravish her.
    Take care and go to bed early!

  14. To be honest, I think that girl does more meditating than she does eating. I tried meditating after reading Eat Pray Love and it obviously didn't help...I am still neurotic as ever. You need a vacation soon, something to look forward to. I have been doing more reading than blogging and I find that to be more of a mindless escape. Maybe I should try television, too! Feel better, my friend.


  15. Do womens brains ever turn off? There is always something you have to do or organise. Sorry you have had a bad run lately but you always finish with a smile and you made me laugh. Go stir some risotto as suggested and have a glass of wine whilst you are doing that! Have a lovely weekend. ;-)

  16. I definitely need to learn how to meditate or do yoga or something. Me and relax aren't best buddies but I'd really like to be!
    Have a great weekend Kerry, hope lots of sunshine, sweet dreams, and relaxation comes your way :-)

  17. Oh yes, wet bums and meditation do not mix.

  18. Many medical doctors (those that are not fans of other alternative therapies) do swear by meditation. It was the only thing that worked for me when I had PTSD. You just sit quietly and focus on one thing - your breathing, some music, a sound. Give it a might feel better.. Have a great weekend my love..Rachaelxx

  19. When I am really desperate I meditate. It works a treat but it is always soooo hard to find the time!!!!!!
    blogging works for me too!
    I'm not sure about the wet bum though it does make for a pretty picture!!!!! xo

  20. Oh .. my message I typed yesterday didn't make it through. Not sure why - so I will just send a quick 'hope your weekend is restful and recharging'. Take care (-:

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