
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Psssst...I'm over here today

Charlotta, who writes the beautiful blog Space for Inspiration is having a bit of a blogging break...
which she's clearly in need of, because she was mad enough to ask me to do a guest post for her.
Head on over and find out what I think about autumn...if you're remotely interested. Here's a taste of what you'll, taste...get it? Ok yes, I hear you...clearly I need a rest :)
And if you're not interested in my thoroughly well thought through views on that particular season (and why ever not!!) head on over anyway and tell Charlotta to hurry back...I miss her :)


  1. It seems strange to read about you moving into Autumn when we are still in the throes of winter (had to shovel another 12" today) and can't wait for spring to arrive!I love the changing colours of autumn and the arrival of soup weather and the crunch and smell of leaves falling. However, if that season wasn't followed by snow, it would be a nicer one to enjoy! Have a great weekend. Mary

  2. Greetings from Southern California

    I am your newest follower.
    I invite you to visit my blog.
    And become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)

  3. Hi Kerry,

    I had better pop on over and have a look! Hope you are well. Emma.

  4. it's 33 degrees here today- too hot for autumn!!!

    I love autumnal food don't you?

  5. I'm all about Autumn today so I'm heading over... x

  6. I hope she'll spill out the recipe for these wonderful dishes!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.