
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 1 March 11

Is it just me...or do Tuesdays come around really quickly?
How's your week so far?
As you know, last week was a bit of a fizzer for me...
but I'm happy to report that I took your advice
"actioned" a risotto (thank you FF)...
poured a glass or two of wine...and drank them
read...a lot (I have those chairs 'em to bits) loads of sleep (even an unheard of afternoon nap. I must have been really tired)
but no exercise to speak of unless you count a very embarrassing tussle with a leaf blower...don't ask!
did some house cleaning (that did make me feel better...wasn't sure it would!)
put the music on and ramped up the volume...
so thanks you lot...I know where to go when I need some good if that was ever in question :)
yes I know there are 12...consider it a a consolation prize for summer ending :)


  1. Some great images there ... they're all very soothing as usual.

    Have to make breakfast now ... that's chaotic, so I'll have to come back and look at your soothing images again in about 1.5 minutes.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend Kerry. I had a bit of a lazy one, but it was nice. I even kept away from the blog! I love your pics, isn't that big chunky throw in the last image amazing!

  3. Dear Kerry, I have just spent such a lovely afternoon reading your blog. The orange light on the blue wall stopped me in my tracks. I am a Canberra girl too and your blog has made me a tiny bit homesick - particularly the wonderful glass art in Kingston. Lucky me - it is still Monday here and I am at the pool with my girls watching them enjoy the last of Summer. I hope that this week runs very smoothly for you. Tell me are the trees changing colour yet? I have a number of ancient crocheting and cross stitch projects too. This Autumn will be all about finishing at least one of them! Lindaxxx

  4. Dear Kerry, I am glad you had some time to catch up with yourself. You managed to fit a bit in. I really love that last chunky cable throw. If I ever see a pattern, I might just have to give it a try. Have an excellent day. Deb.

  5. The picturs are so great, I love the dining table with the metal chandelier, I hope this week is better for you, just remeber as John Denver would say' some days are diamonds'
    Sharon xx

  6. i wish i'd achieved that much with my weekend!! any footage of the "leaf blower incident'?


  7. Oh Kerry,
    What a wonderful top ten.....I mean twelve !! I hope that these gorgeous images, plus the wine, plus risotto, reading and sleep, has helped you get back on track. I will not mention the leaf blowing sound's as it could have been a painful experience !! haha
    .....oh, and I also have those chairs and they came with a table very similar to photo # 5....I love them to . We have had ours for at least 6 years now and, after we got them, I seemed to have seen them everywhere !! Monica fron Friend's even had one in her apartment so we are in good company !!
    I really hope that your batteries are now recharged and you are feeling better now Kerry. Lots of love. XXXX

  8. Glad you took on the advise Kerry, sounds like it may have done the trick? Great images this week too. Have a lovely week. ;-)

  9. I love everything in every pic, beautiful. I especially love that huge cable throw in the last pic. I'm itching to get the needles out now that the end of summer is upon us. Still 32 here today so will have to wait a little longer.
    Keep up the good work.

  10. Beautiful Top 10 as usual. I love the bathroom, then again I am always partial to a lovely bathroom. Glad to hear that you followed some great advice and took some time out. xx

  11. Tis week I love the bathroom, that mirror is amazing.

  12. Good for you actioning a Soothing risotto. I find that mindless stirring during life's challenging times can be very calming and a bit mindless and quite restorative! Hope this week is better, xx

  13. Risotto is definitely comfort food - that FF is a clever one, isn't she? Glad you managed a bit of r & r, and a nanna nap as well - very restorative you know. Love the top ten as always too btw. K xx

  14. That last bedroom photo looks perfectly homy and cozy :-)

  15. Beautiful images. Haven't had much of a summer have we...and definitely Autumn in the air ! I love your blog.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.