
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

what I read in february 2011

February...over already. That's ludicrous. Have I told you that ludicrous is my favourite word? Well it is.
So, we know February is a short month, and I'm back at work...and back to working full time for a while (yes, it's unfortunately necessary) so you won't be surprised that I haven't read as many books this month as I did in January. That may become a record, even for me!
Here's what I managed though...six...not bad for a short month.
Aunts up the Cross by Robin Eakin - memoir
The Men and the Girls by Joanna Trollope - fiction
A Married Man by Catherine Alliott - fiction
Cross Stitch by Diana Gabaldon - historical fiction
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand - fiction
Details by Lili Diallo - design

So how did I go? There's quite a bit of 'fluff' this month isn't there? But that's ok...perhaps February can be official fluff month in future :) And all of the fiction is Brit on earth did that happen! And speaking of all things Brit...that gorgeous possum Colin...ah. Here's part of his off stage press conference after winning the Oscar...

Now where was I after that momentary distraction? Of course I loved looking at all the beautiful pictures in Details...secrets of styling was delicious. And yes, I did read all the text as well...I'm not a cheater!
Aunts up the Cross is so quirky...what a family. Eccentricity redefined. I think my favourite though was The Men and the Girls.
I don't think I've ever read a Joanna Trollope book that I haven't loved. Her characters always have the most wonderful flaws; but there's always something to love about them. This is a story of two women living with older men. The main character is Kate, married to James, and then there's Julia, married to Hugh. Hugh and James are old friends. Beatrice Bachelor (isn't that a fab name), a feisty 'spinster', comes into their lives when James knocks her off her bike, and she becomes a catalyst for enormous change. Trollope never ends her novels in quite the way you would expect, but when you're done, you nod your head and go...yep, that's just as it should be.
Two very long plane trips coming up for me this month...I've gone to the dark side and will be reading off this...
Could this be the end of the world as I know it. Doesn't bear thinking about :)


  1. Ludicrous is a great word ... reading that amount of books in a month is preposterous.

    My favourite word at the mo' is 'ogle'.

    I've never read any Joanna Trollope books. Are they worthwhile? I've just always thought they were a bit trashy ... maybe it's her surname or the book covers that make me make the presumption. Ludicrous.

  2. I love peaking into other people's bookshelves and with luck even getting to borrow a book or two.

    You have sold me on Joanna Trollope, I've never read any of her books [gasp] but your review has me intrigued.

    xx Felicity

    PS As for absorbing books in new forms - I like to download my as talking books for plane flights. Storytelling in this way has the added bonus of blocking out all the extraneous inflight noises via the headphones and sometimes it puts me to sleep just like any great bedtime story.

    xx Felicity

  3. Dear Kerry, Ah yes, Joanna Trollope's 'Aga sagas' make wonderful railway train reading I find......light but with enough intrigue to carry one along without requiring too much in the way of concentration.

    And yes, 'The King's Speech'.....a beautiful piece of costume drama but I fear that it will not stand the test of time. A wonderful night for the British film industry, however.

  4. It's always nice to see what others read. I can't figure out why publishers have to change the title of a book for other countries. Cross Stitch is called Outlander here. Hard to believe that Diana Gabaldon is American and not a Brit. She does so much research. I have all her books and have read them a few times. She is hilarious at book readings! Joanna Trollope was a biggie in one of my former book clubs. And like you, I have a number of books on my iPad already for travel. Mark loves his Kindle and is reading a lot more because he always has books on hands - especially when it is a series. We were running out of room on the book shelves. Happy reading! Mary

  5. You've put me to shame. I managed to read 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo', the latest Patricia Cornwell novel, numerous design mags and far too many blogs, but that's about it. Sad state of affairs it is. So, what's the verdict on that new toy of yours - thumbs up? Must know all the deets! K xx

  6. Well done, I have read the complete
    Diana Gabaldon series ,I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to time travel and a little romance doesn't hurt one bit, Have you read The Time Travellers Wife ,I think you may like it:)I am considering a kindle or perhaps an Ipad ,I am not sure yet:)Sharon xxx

  7. I can't believe you bought an e reader...traitor.

  8. It's not an e-reader my pet. It's a very important work related piece of equipment!!

  9. Gasp... an electronic book??? Or is an iSomething? I want an iAnything.

    I think you might be on to something... I have spent half of Feb trying to hold Wolf Hall upright in bed - the book is like a brick and about as enjoyable. I think I might give it up and stop wading through it. After all I know Henry marries Anne and then knocks her off a couple of years later...

  10. oh, is that your iPad? Room is a good read...

  11. Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls knocked me off my socks...

  12. I am struggling through People of the book. I keep falling asleep. I think I have read the Cross stitch one, but I think they are very long and after a while i got a bit sick of them. I need a light, fluffy funny book I think. Any ideas?
    PS love the funky red ipad cover.

  13. A friend at worked interviewed J. Trollope last week. I badgered her for all the details. She is amazing. The thinking woman's chic lit author the original and the best. If I remember I'll post the link as a comment when it's published. Probably this Saturday, I imagine

  14. ooh ooh ooh! You read Cross Stitch! What did you think? It's one of my favorite series ever. Jamie Fraser *swoon*

  15. Love Joanna Trollope books. Always quiet and thoughtful with the most wonderful characters. I have recently read her newest book," The Daughters-in-law." Excellent. I also really love to read on my Kindle. I never thought I would say this, but really, I prefer reading on the Kindle .

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