
Thursday, March 10, 2011

my creative space: a future date between...

...this fabric from Simone's place...
and this otto-person made years ago by me and my good friend and chandelier fairy Chris...
and some other yet to be discovered fabric because when I bought the yellow and grey I had no intention of using it here, and therefore...of course...there is not enough! But now that I've thought of it I can't think of using it for anything else! So, what should I match it with...any ideas?
There's probably an answer over at Kirsty's...but just in case there's not, what do you reckon?


  1. That will be great! I have no bright ideas yet as it's only 7.45am and I have only had one cuppa. Someone will come up with a fab idea I'm sure :)

  2. You could use it to make a cushion cover, lamp shade, place mats, all would look great... I don't like things to match too much.

  3. I think it would have look grand swathing your otto-person.

    xx Felicity

  4. My suggestion:

    Cover the top of the ottoman, and with the remainder of that beautiful pattern work out how deep a border you could put onto a plain (charcoal?) background.

    I'd do it for you if I were a bit closer!

  5. Hmmm now that is a project day, ha. I like the idea of doing the top. Do you think it would mix with stripes, I love pattern and stripes mixed. cheers Katherine

  6. What Tricia Rose said..or get a different yellow/white fabric for the bottom...or buy more..I think Beach Vintage just got some more in stock a few days ago.

  7. The fabric is lovely. Use it ! And the otto-... what ? anyway, I like it a lot and I have thought about doing something like that too (for years). Is it difficult ?

    Have a wonderful day


  8. I love that fabric. Just came across your blog, and I simply adore it. I just keep seeing more and more fab posts. I will follow you - have a look at my blog one day if you fancy;) Hope to see you soon - a xx

  9. Dear Kerry, The fabric is quite gorgeous. Maybe for more cushions? I like lots of cushions. They make me feel as if I am in the lap of luxury! The ottoman is very handsome. Unless it needs redoing, I would not change it. I do love the richness of your decorating. You must simply hug yourself with delight sitting in this room. Lindaxxx

  10. Lovely Blog!
    Love the Eclectic feel through out.


  11. yeah that fabric is gorgeous, have had my eye on that exact colour-way.

    depends which bit of the ottoman have you got enough fabric for?

    i think black & yellow for the top, and perhaps a very fine black ticking for hte bottom? xx

  12. I just love the fabric. I think everything you do is just gorgeous. We're moving (again) in two months time so I'm cutting things I like for recreation once we're settled. Half your blog is on my wish list!


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