
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

my living room makeover...befores and afters

Well, finally. The walls have been painted white...I've hung a few paintings...the chandeliers are up...and I'm a whole lot happier with my living room now. Here's why!
The wall colour (this is how it was when I bought the house) really did my head in and it had to go. Oh yes, I should warn you...there are quite a lot of photos in this post. How it was before...bad colours, oppressive beams (they don't look it here but the cross beams were a nasty reddy colour), and light fittings that had seen much better days...
and how it is now...light, bright and without the shonky fireplace. Still have to paint the fly screen white though ...
Even though it does get very cold in Canberra, the fire took up so much room that I had to let it go...I have central heating so it's not an issue...but I still need to get the large square hole in the carpet repaired...soon. Here's what it was can surely see why I couldn't keep it or those attractive tiles!
The townhouse isn't all that big but I like the different levels and angles, even though there's no foyer to speak of (which is very annoying)...this is the before looking up to my study on the left and the front door...
and now...the painting to the right of the stairs was done by my son as his Year 12 major piece and given to me for my 50th. He's tried to get it back, but he's got buckleys :)
It's such a nice room to be in...I couldn't be happier with the paint job...I've never voluntarily had white walls before. When I've lived somewhere that I could paint, there's almost always been a feature wall.
 I'm blaming you lot! Can you spot the vampire slayer? her usual spot...
The dining area has a bay window and was really designed for a round table...but I love my table and I'm not giving it up...the star jasmine better hurry up and cover that ugly mission brown lattice though! 
This is the view from the dining section of the room into the tiniest kitchen in the southern's on my hit list.
I can't imagine not having lots of art on the walls...heaps more to be painted, purchased or otherwise procured! Buffy was unusually absent when this photo was taken :)
The door on the right there (see below) heads up to the built in mezzanine level where my studio is...and where the 22 year old currently lives! Dealing with that as we speak :) I'm not at all fond of the carpet but it's in such good condition (apart from the big hole where the fireplace was) that I can't possibly justify replacing it...I just try to cover it up as much as I can.
Details of some of my stuff coming up...there's a definite asian theme...
Not a great photo I'm sorry but here are the chandeliers in all their sparkling about how I got them here...and this also gives you an indication of how high the back wall is...
Gee, you're good if you've got to the end of this...thank you for sticking it out. Oh, and that white paint was worth every cent...Dulux Antique White USA :)


  1. I love it. So full of personality (yours) and the lovely art and little bits and pieces. Definitely the right choice to go all white. We have that colour in my son's (formerly lilac) room! Well done. re the fireplace space, have your thought about moving the wooden cabinet at the end of the dining table over it? And then put a little rug in front. Then you could put something lower near the window \ door. Just a thought. xo

  2. So fresh and nice now Kerry. You are right, the other collie was past it's use by date. I love the warmth of your home. It feels like somewhere I could plonk down on one of your sofas and feel at home. So many treasures to enjoy. Love the chandeliers and beams too. Thanks for sharing,

  3. LR looks great! When you look at the previous colour, you must have wondered what were the previous owners thinking! Although not usually fond of white walls, in your home yhey look great because you have so much colour in all your beautiful art, etc on the walls that is really emphasized now. It's nice to get a glimpse into your space.

  4. Excellent tour Kerry! I agree with Jane's comments - your home is so full of personality. Your art and prints show up nicely on the white walls too. xx

  5. What a difference a little white paint makes! So good to see your home in perspective Kerry. So much personality and full of personal treasures and things with meaning. A room full of soul!
    P.S Too embarassed to comment yesterday. I would hate anyone to think I bribed you to put my picture in the top 10. Do you think putting it up first was a little obvious! Tee hee. xxx

  6. love, love, LOVE! i wouldn't change a thing (well, except to repair the hole in the carpet? I have one too). i love all your unique art pieces, they really make the space yours. i could move right in......


  7. It looks great Kerry! White is the perfect background to all your artwork and collections. I agree with Jane about the cabinet over the carpet patch.
    Oh, you'll be pleased to know that your kitchen is about twice the size as the one I had before this house. My pantry now is about the size of my kitchen then, so things could be worse!

  8. Fantastic Kerry, you know I love a good before and afters post. Your home is lovely and the white walls really make your art stand out. The chandeliers and beams look great. I too agree with Jane to move the cabinet. Thanks for the little tour into your home. ;-)

  9. Dear K

    Your house is FANTASTIC!!!! You decorate just as I like to- with lots of colour, paintings, personal mementoes, books and rugs. I absolutely love it. Thought the 1st snap was from a magazine!

    So many do that minimalist whatsy look- great to see a lived in loved house.

  10. I LOVE white walls, especially in a house with good art...What a way to showase all your great art. LOve the chandeliers too.

  11. Kerry - I would buy your son's artwork off you!!! Love love love :)
    you must be having a great time putting it all together once you've pulled it apart!!

  12. Your house has such great bones (which is hard to find). Supah dee doopah job, Miss K!

  13. It looks fabulous - I love white. And you have lots of fabulous bits and pieces - a life well travelled and well shopped and well made... A x

  14. Oh Kerry, I wish I could just move into your new room myself!! Love it all! The white is so fresh, especially on the previously dark beams and I love that you have menaingful pieces of artwork surrounding you. A room with real character and soul. I could spend forever curled up on your lounge with a good book, although I'm not sure how much reading would go on as I'd be soaking in my surroundings!! :)

  15. So many great shots Kerry, I'm loving so many things I see like the red TV cabinet, the dining table and chairs and that gorgeous cabinet in your dining area not to mention your son's artwork...wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing, have a great day :))

  16. I love your new calm white walls. What a terrific art collection - totally makes the room. My eye just went from piece to piece around the room. Congrats for getting it all done.

    I'm going to send you an email tomorrow - lots to explain and discuss.


  17. Shonky! I had completely forgotten that useful word~

    I love your son's art - talent runs in the family...

  18. Thanks for the tour! I love what you've done around your home. It looks like a totally different place. I especially like the chandeliers hanging from the cathedral ceiling. It's stunning and I would have never thought of it . . . but I'm adding it to our list now! Also love all the art work!

  19. I love your home, it looks so inviting. I also have timber beams in our open plan area and I always wondered what they would look like painted. Now I know what they look like white - very nice. :)

  20. Oh Kerry, your home is divine. I LOVE your artworks. It just oozes your personality. Love the chandies too. A-M xx

  21. I love all the great things you have especially the chandeliers and the green lamp:)

  22. The white paint is the perfect backdrop for all your art work. Like a gallery! Not too many photos, I enjoyed them all. You've a beautiful home, that expresses your personality.
    Your son's art work is incredible! I love the way you've got such high ceilings and so much wall space for all your art work. I grew up with cathedral ceilings and exposed beams, and I miss the height of the walls.
    Excellent results with the painting!

  23. Oh, I loved that tour! I loved seeing your townhouse ... and felt like I was really getting a deeper insight into who you are! Just wonderful ... all your lovely things and paintings and vases.

    Everytime I see your arrangement of blue vases (in your header) actually in situ I always smile. One day you'll be a wonderful grandma whom your grandchildren will love visiting because you have little bowls of delicate shells, and mysterious Asian statues and sharp weapony things on the white wall! Fabulous!

  24. man, finally something that makes me want to head straight to our nations capital!! your lounge ((and the odd chance of a red or three))!! can so picture a comfy afternoon there, it is so warm and full of personality. what an amazing art collection you have darl.

    fabulous changes and such a lovely look at your home. just brilliant. jxxx

  25. It's so light and white now Kerry, what a difference! I love all your bits and pieces, you've obviously had some great adventures.. I also love where the dining setting sits. You must love how it's turned out. Rachaelxx

  26. I love all your art pieces and bits and bobs, so charming and full of character.
    I have horrible dark beams in my living room that I think make the place look small and dark and have wanted to paint them white but haven't been able to get my husband on board. Well I'm showing him the before and after or your ceiling and I'm sure that will do the trick!

  27. Freaking awesome. You have no idea what a pleasure it is to read your blog. So soothing, as FF would say. PS: I love the assured start to Major Pettigrew. Feel like wrapping myself up in this book.

  28. Totally bloody fantastic sweet. Love the fresh white paint, the chandies, the artwork...all of it. What I love the most is that your home is a true reflection of you - warm, honest, eclectic, individual and stylish...and pretty tranquil to boot. Thanks for the tour, it's been a slice! K xx

  29. Love the stuff everywhere.its what makes a house a home. honestly..i kinda liked the pink walls. lol. i know. but white is great!


  30. I just stumbled into your blog today. I love your gorgeous photos and your eclectic home!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.