
Thursday, March 31, 2011

new york...fabulous fleas and awesome art

 Warning: extreme art overload...
You must feel like you keep being invited over to my place for a slide night by now!
I have thought about whether I should post all these pics...after all, it's not the same as being there is it?
And I would hate you to think I'm gloating. I'm definitely not, because I do know how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to flit off to New York...
and I really do think of it as sharing my experience with you...
But...I'm human, and I want this record of a fabulous time to be on my blog. That, I guess is what it's here for! So feel free to skip right by if you're not interested in flea markets or art galleries...however fascinating I might find them!
The thing I loved about all the museums and galleries I saw...that was MoMA up there...I was got a lot busier!...
...the great thing was that you were allowed to take photos in them.. photos I took...boy did I took :)
you can't do that here...take photos in galleries I mean...what's that about?
I feel like writing to the Director of the National Gallery of Australia and requesting a 'please explain'! Skip past the next pic if you don't share my love of all things Asian...
It's positively un-Australian...the not being allowed to take photos that is...and quite possibly not loving buddhas as well :)
I know most of you are hanging out to see what I bought...but you'll have to wait...the views and the places and the people first...'s a bit like making sure you open the card before you rip the paper off the present :))
Soon....soon. Promise.
images by me...image 1: Museum of Modern Art; 2-3: Hell's Kitchen Flea Market; 4-5: Antiques Garage Flea; 6-9: MoMA; 10-14: Metropolitan Museum of Art


  1. Your right art overload but utterly wonderful.

  2. LOVING the pics and as I always say your blog, your rules, post whatever you want! Have serious flea market envy - looks a very cool place. I just love NYC. It's one of those cities that actually feels like a Big City. Love it. Love it. Love it. A x

  3. PS I think it's fabulous to be able to take photos, so many times I want to take photos of art, museums, châteaus etc. in France but as soon as they spot a flash they come running in and highlight the fact that private photography is not allowed, crazy really, I know they want to profit from "professional merchandise" but I feel they would profit much more in the long run by allowing private photography.

  4. Once again a great post. I love the way you have created photo collages and got so many photos into your blog entries. After seeing your MoMa photos, I can see why you loved it so much! And why the gift shop was so cool. I'm glad I brought the catalogue home.

  5. PS: Mark thinks he would enjoy the antique and flea markets too.

  6. See, that's one of the main reasons I want to go to NYC - all that fabulous art!! I remember when I saw some amazing pieces in Paris it brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure I'd also be in tears in NYC!! Thanks for showing us Kerry x

  7. How I'm loving these pictures Kerry. Those flea markets are dripping with treasures.
    And I so agree with you about the being able to take photos at galleries. MOMA blew me away, not just because of all their fabulous pieces, but because there was no glass, no roped off areas, no nothing. You could walk within a centimetre of a Picasso or Matisse worth millions, and thats exactly what they wanted you to do. I snapped away merrily too. Looking forward to the next instalment.
    Amanda xx

  8. Great pics Kerry! You go for it! Your blog after all. The flea markets look so much more interesting than ours? Loved that yellow sofa on the side walk. Can't wait to see what you purchased. ;-)

  9. Splendiferous fabulousness.
    Does that capture my delight in your images? I hope so.
    This post is 'starred' in my reader so that I can visit these images often.

    Felicity x

    PS Write that letter! Better still get a petition going & we'll all sign it.

  10. I'm reliving my NYC and Washington trips through your pictures, although I've never been to a flea market so that was new. We can't take photos at our art gallery in Toronto either - what's up with that? We can at the Museum though - and I do (haha).

  11. I am hanging out to see what you bought but I am loving all of your pics along the way! The art is amazing and I think it is wonderful that you are able to take photos of it! xx

  12. I never got to enjoy New York as you did, being there for such a short time. I have heard the museums are excellent. Thanks so much for sharing your photos!


  13. Utter brilliance. Again. Ooh, I feel like I'm right beside you, Kerry. Thanks so much for taking us with you, my friend. Keep soaking it up! J x

  14. I like that you show us the photes, because it makes me even more eager to come to New York !
    The flea market !! I need to go there.


  15. My husband has been enjoying your photos as much as me, maybe more as he's actually been to New York several times. He thinks your photography is stunning and I agree! Rachaelxx

  16. That's it - a trip to New York is most definitely on my list. Loving these posts! K xx

  17. Kerry, we would never think that you are gloating. You're a terribly silly sardine for even think that!! LOL

    I loved the flea market shots and leaned in extra close to see what they serve up. It's similar but different to here isn't it. It reminded me a little of Roselle markets but bigger. I love that white fur lined coat - yum!

    The museums in NYC are insane. They are almost a whole trip of their own aren't they!?! I love that they allow photographs but I can see the issue with flash light possibly damaging some pieces over time, and the fact that a good photographer could replicate an art piece with good printing. But I do agree with you - pictures should be allowed as long as they are taken with respect for the works.

    Happy end to the week dear. Are you over the jetlag yet?

    xx C

  18. Don't worry - sharing is caring, and I'm loving my trip to NY from the laptop. God I'd be in heaven at those markets!!

  19. These are lovely! Those flea market finds and museum paintings are just gorgeous. Enjoy the wonderful weekend, Kellie xx

  20. I love a virtual vacation! Thanks for sharing. How did you group the photos like that? I'd love to know - would you mind sharing?

  21. I'm into vicarious travel - a long plane trip with a toddler would be my reality. Your vacation is much more civilised.

    I loved MoMA when I was there many, many years ago. Still kicking myself that I never bought a gallery print there (I bought prints in galleries I visited overseas and then used to post them seamail back home).xx

  22. Starry, starry night is now on my bucket list.
    which one was that at Kerry?

    And i love that black and white vase. Sigh. And the buddha who looks like a person.

  23. Hi Kerry, thanks for all the wonderful art pics, sumptuous to be sure!! decadent. Like Mary said I love the way you arranged them, you clever fox you!! i feel like i was there with you both.

  24. Thank you so much for sharing these FABULOUS photos with us Kerry! Love them ALL! I think I need to go back to NYC... I can hear those flea markets calling my name ;) Love the ART, especially a starry little picture ;) Enjoy your Sunday, lovely ~ Txx

  25. I'm a new visitor to your blog and am loving your style! You're an excellent photographer too, so do keep on sharing them. There's a lot of pleasure for your readers in vicarious travel.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.