
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

postcards from new york...

Are you bored to snores with all my travel pics yet? 
Never mind...just a few more days of it :) I took about eleventy-three photos of the statue of liberty...I'll spare you the rest.
So...New York. I knew I'd love it, but I didn't know I'd love it as much as I did.
And for some strange reason, I don't know how to explain why it's grabbed me the way it has. I can only...
I know I'm not the only one who says this.
It's like when you have a crush on a boy...
you can't get enough...
You hang off every word...
they can do no wrong...
[NOT the swanky end!]
everything is exciting...even weird mini size burgers called sliders. Don't ask...I don't know.
and enchanting...I love the Flatiron building to bits don't you?
and bright...
and shiny...
somehow I can't see the gloss ever fading from New York.
Yep, it's love.
even when it rains...[or snows]...or is just very bloody cold!
there was nothing I didn't get a thrill from seeing...
even the steam coming out of a subway vent enthralled me (my friend Mary thought I was mad...she could be right)
I'm sure I spent most of the time walking around with a grin on my face...
and my jaw on the ground...
most attractive!

[I thought Wall St would be wider didn't you? That's the stock exchange mid left] 
 Yep...serious love
Tomorrow? Let me see...flea markets, MoMA and the Met? Yep, I think that sounds about right :)
And because this truly is about the good life...I'm linking up to A Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesday :)

all images by me...except the one of Mary and me on top of the Empire State Building taken by a random tourist. A very nice random tourist of course...who took a cracker of a snap :)


  1. Kerry, what a great post!I love the way you captured our trip! Your pictures really are great and the way you have arranged them is wonderful! It makes me wish we could repeat it all again (although in warmer weather would be nicer - have Mark nearly convinced that he should go with me next time! Except no Mamma Mia). Mary PS And I still think you are mad taking pictures of sliders! Ha Ha

  2. Your pictures are fantastic, I think you've captured the best of New York (although I've never been). I have no doubt I'll love it as much as you do when I eventually go. Rachaelxx

  3. Oh, how I envy you, and how I love NYC - having only been there once. The towers were still up when I went, so I hope there has been some getting over it. Have a wonderful time.

  4. My dear Kerry .. you could post piccies of NY every single day and I would perve, admire and drool - as if it was ME who went. I've never been but would so have loved to have gone when I was younger. Maybe when I am older. For now, I'll just enjoy your view on this fantastic, wonderful place (-:

  5. Wow Kerry, what fantastic photos! I'm loving seeing these but ust so wish I could go there. I have my fingers crossed for one day.
    The triangular building is fantastic, but then everything in NYC looks fantastic!

  6. Kerry, your trip is not at all boring to read about. Such excellent photos and you packed so much in.
    I have a friend who just came back from NYC. She bought a t-shirt which said "NY loves me" for her niece. I hope you got one too! xx

  7. Kerry, this would be one of the BEST posts I have ever read! It made me pine for NYC and made me remember our time living there when Dave worked for Macquarie Bank(we lived in Midtown - East side...not too far from Tiffany & Co and United Nations!). Your pics are absolutely spectacular and I am sooooo pleased that it was everything you had imagined and more!! Can't wait for more, thank you for sharing:) Am now off to catch up on your Washington posts. Have a lovely Wednesday ~ Txx

  8. Kerri, I love your photos! They make me want to go there... I have always wanted to ice skate at Rockefeller. You look like you have covered everything and had a ball. ;-)

  9. Just loving this vicarious armchair travelling thanks to you! Thinking of taking a trip there next year, and your posts are making it hard to resist. Keep 'em coming sweet! K xxx

  10. Wow! WoW! and WOW!
    From the first to the last image you had me hooked.
    I truly love an 'insiders' take on a place and you've captured so many new elements that I have to reconsider my notion of not being interested in visiting NYC - I don't know where this comes from, but anyway I think you might have shifted it.

    Thanks for the tour, it's been so much fun and I can't wait for tomorrow!

    xx Felicity

    PS Loving your boots, what a great buy!

  11. Wow, those images are amazing Kerry! I would love to go to NY one day. Glen lived there for 6mths before he came to Aust and I'm always so jealous when I hear his stories.
    The sky behind the statue of liberty looks surreal!!!
    Love the pics,

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oh Just awesome is like being a big kid..and having all those places that you have only ever seen on tv or heard of..come to life...and realise..its really exists. Those images are amazing..and Im so happy that you are enjoying your trip the way one should..with eyes wide open..soaking every inch of it in. Such an awesome post ...keep safe lovely x

  14. Oh wow...thank you for sharing I am well and truly missing is a bit surreal to see the pic of the kids under the steps at Bethesda Fountain...I took the very same shot! Didn't they sound like angels! And the tiles on the roof under the stairs are gorgeous.Thank you for the memory..

  15. No, I'm not tired of your travel pics ! I want to see more !! I want to go to New York too !!!
    Thanks for showing, I must say :)


  16. Oh Kerry I have been away that long I didnt even know you had been to NY!!!! I tried to keep up with what I could while I was away, but it all became too much. Back now and catching up on what I missed. Love the guest posts, they made for an enjoyable read. You have transported me back to NY when my partner and I went for four whirlwind nights and loved it. Its been our favorite & most memorable place so far. I can relate to the grin on your face, and I love the steam shot! Thank you for some great pics and memories. Take care
    Rebecca x

  17. Oh I am LOVING experiencing this trip through you - everything just looks so glorious. Next time I am SO doing New York...

  18. Hi Kerry, glad to hear you are back safe and sound. I am just catching up on your trip, read this weeks posts all in one hit and love the photos - each and every one of them.

  19. OMG Kerry, I am thoroughly enjoying your travel snaps. I am sooo incredibly envious. NY is definately on the top of my travel wish list.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip !!!

  20. So well said. I'm loving this. Born communicator, you are, Obiewankenobie.

  21. fabulous photos, NYC can be a fun city with much to see and do

  22. One day I will get to New York. In the meantime thank you for these wonderful photos. I loved the subway steam too, amazing.

  23. Absolutely stunning. Breathtaking. My jaw is sill on the ground. You are a genius, my friend. J x

  24. In love with your post, with your pics and with your words!
    Cheers from Brazil!

  25. Wow, those pictures look absolutely incredible. Do you have some idea if you would like to frame and and print some of your photos, particularly the ones of the statue of liberty.

  26. oh Kerry- I have just been sitting watching New Yorkers dancing on the streets with the announcement on the end of Bin Laden...and i am so glad that you enjoyed NY with none of this in mind!
    your photo's are brilliant and yes i too adore that building...NY somehow feels familiar as so many iconic buildings dot the city...
    tell there also a village feel to the city...i've had friends live there who have commented on their little pocket...their little local deli, coffee shop etc....?
    looking forward to your next instalment!
    melissa x


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.