
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

washington part 2: museum overload...

I will admit it...I'm something of a museum aficionado...ok then, make that nerd.
Having done a fair bit of consulting work for a number of our national cultural institutions I know how dedicated the people who work in these places are, and how much they value the, you know...I had to see as many as I could. Would have been rude not to. In no particular order, I blitzed...
The National Gallery of Art (my absolute favourite)...such beautiful spaces...
  The American History Museum...frocks, hats, shoes and a muppet or three
Julia's as...
The Natural History Museum...gems and giants (the sparkles won hands down!)
and...I kid you entire hyperbolic crochet coral reef...that took 8000 hours to put together (not counting the time it took to crochet!). Perhaps that time could have been put to better use :)
The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (I showed you the sculpture yesterday)The George Washington Masonic Memorial...I confess, and no offense, but that one was a bit creepy...I think I've read too much Dan Brown :) looking globe though...back left!
The Torpedo art space with a whole heap of artist's studios...
The Sackler Gallery (but only for five minutes because it was closing and I therefore have no photos...which you're probably glad about!) I'll leave you with the wharf in old town Alexandria instead...
And that's it for Washington. Tomorrow...New York views. And if you can hang out until...oh, say Thursday or Friday...I might show you what I bought there :))
all images by me


  1. No wonder you were tired! I didn't realize how many museums you packed into one day! Your pictures are great. Might have to get back there one of these days.

  2. I love museums. While others find them boring, I find them totally interesting and love to pay attention to each piece. Those Kennedy pieces are my faves!

  3. How fabulous, but then I'm a museum/art gallery geek too! That Degas sculpture is stunning! Wow! But then I'm rather taken with Dorothy's slippers and the muppets too!

  4. Loving the Washington photo tour - you certainly crammed a lot in... I'm loving those muppets! A x

  5. It's so obvious you had marvellous fun - and now I'm enjoying it right along with you! (I'm currently reading George Washington and His Slaves, brilliant book to counteract the Dan Br*wn).

  6. You're a great tour guide Kerry, can't wait for the next stop.

    xx Felicity

  7. I am waiting with anticipation to see your time in New York...I was there last Sept and loved every minute of it...I can't get enough of seeing pics of NYC I feel 'homesick ' for it even though I was only a visitor and not a resident.

  8. Not nerd, cultured I would say. Or I 'spose the Aussie way of saying it would be "kulchard". Loving the tour. When's the next one? More, please.

  9. Thanks for sharing your wonderful images. Sounds like you had a great time. Michelle

  10. That's one of the things I'm most looking forward to when I visit the US - the museums! Rachaelxx


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