
Friday, April 22, 2011

blessings to you and yours at easter...

from me and the vampire slayer...
We'll both be doing a bit of this over the next few days I suspect :)
I hope you can get a load of relaxing in as well. We all deserve it don't we. Yes, we do.
Just like I deserved to get these left over easter flowers from a work lunch we had on Wednesday. 
Perks...I don't get many but I like it when I do :)
I'm taking a little break. Take care and I'll catch you on the other side. I'm off to eat a hot cross bun...or two...or who knows how many before the 22 year old wakes up :)


  1. Have a lovely relaxing Easter Kerry, it looks like the slayer is already in that zone :)

  2. Happy Easter my friend! Glad you're getting the chance to fit in a little r&r - hope you make the most of it. And just a little warning if you pop in to read my post today - make sure you're sitting down, there's some 'wildlife' featured you may not like! K xx

  3. Enjoy! Oh, to be able to sleep like a cat - much better than a log or a baby! Hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend x

  4. Hope you have a relazing Easter weekend. The flowers are gorgeous! Mxx

    PS: Finished the Secret Lives of Dresses. It was a good 'fluff' read.

  5. Happy Easter Kerry! That cat looks mighty happy!

  6. Have a really nice time and relax a lot ! I wish you and your family with cat and all a Happy Easter.


  7. Happy Easter to you! I love how you always get the flowers!

  8. I hope you enjoy your break. Have a lovely Easter!


  9. That table arrangement is amazing!! I'm never shy to leave a wedding or function with the flowers, why not?? The nest is just so pretty mixed with birds of paradise, bliss. Love Posie

  10. aw, i love the birds of paradise. we had those for a few years in one of the houses we lived in when i was a kid. hope you enjoyed your hot cross buns! that sounds so good!

  11. Happy Easter to you and the Slayer.. Rachaelxx

  12. Happy Easter to you and yours Kerry...hoping the vampire slayer does not eat too many eggs!! Kym X

  13. Happy Easter Kerry. I think some hot cross buns and a little relaxing are just the way to celebrate - well as long as there is also some chocolate.


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