
Thursday, April 21, 2011

my easter promise...

I have made a promise to myself...
[i know this picture has no relevance except that it has the word 'promise' in it...but I loved I used it]

that over the easter/anzac day break...
I will do a couple of things.
No. 1 - some serious navel gazing. I overwhelm myself with stuff, things I 'have' to do, obligations to others, wanting to try a whole heap of things, saying yes when I should say no, thinking I can fit in more than is reasonable or know how it goes don't you? I need a better plan. Scrap that...better plan implies I already have one. I just need a plan full stop!
No. 2 - some serious reading time. I've been neglecting my reading. Which feels like cutting off my right arm. I have a pile of unread magazines I can't jump over. Many still in their plastic wrappers. Seriously. That's just ludicrous. And a stack of books that taunt me every time I look at them. READ ME they yell!
[my pile is much bigger than this but not as pretty]
So, when the break is over I will come back to you with my I'm going to make my life easier, more productive, less challenging, more fulfilling, less manic, more organised, less ...
And if you believe that you might quite possibly be the easter bunny :)
I'm going to try though. It'll be good to give it a go.
A very happy easter break to everyone...and bless xx
Hope someone gives me some chocolate :)
all images from weheartit: entry nos 7602434, 8833534, 6148216, 8905477, 831211, 4618631


  1. Have a great Easter! Hope you get to relax, catch up on some reading and eat chocolate xx

  2. Happy Easter Kerry! Reading and relaxing is a great plan. I actually hope no one gives me chocolate this Easter!

  3. I was really beating myself over the head for not reading more, and then I realized I was making it seem like a chore. So the monkey is off my back and I have to decided to read when I darn well feel like it.

    I have also promised myself not to buy any more books. Sigh.


  4. Oh no, does that mean I need an Easter resolution too? I'll have to steal all of yours, and maybe somehow they'll all fall into place....hmm, what do you think are the chances of that happening? But great idea to take some time out for r&r&, relaxation and reflection. And chocolate. Definitely chocolate. K xx

  5. Looking forward to hearing your new plan - I think I need some help in those areas too :) Enjoy your reading over the Easter break x

  6. Happy Easter! I hope you get to your new plan. Then tell us exactly what it is.

  7. How do you keep up with all the blogs on your sidebar? I've just realised how many you have!

  8. Old cartoons of Winnie the Pooh like that always make me a little teary eyed. I'm such a sap.

  9. Sounds like a brilliant plan, Kerry. I wish I had the headspace to execute something similar on Plant Baby! J x

  10. Have a very happy and productive Easter Kerry xx

  11. I hope *everyone* gives you some chocolate. My life is like yours - I moved away for a few months and had to excuse myself from all the things that I'd got caught up in. It was great. Now I've crept back without telling anyone and am hiding under the bed reading books. Could you try that?

  12. Sounds very interesting Kerry - looking forward to seeing your total transformation next Wednesday!!
    Millie x


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