
Thursday, April 28, 2011

my creative space...certificate IV in design

Bet you didn't expect to see a post the day after I told you I was cutting back did you!! But...I had to share this evidence of my new found cunning plan being put into place! This is one of those creative foci I was talking about :)) I signed up to do this course through the International School of Colour and Design...oh, just about a year ago now!
One thing got in the way, and then happens. And the ISCD very kindly let me defer. Best not to rush these know how it is, right?
But now that I've got my focus sorted...this is one of the creative things I'll be working on over the next several months...ok, ok, it'll probably take a year or so!
Assignment 1 is almost in the bag...I just have to gather up some images that represent these secondary colour spectrums...that shouldn't be too hard should it? I knew I bought all those magazines for a reason :)
And even the mess looks quite interesting!
Head on over to kootoyoo for a whole colour wheel of creatives :)
...and importantly...thank you so much for all your lovely comments yesterday about my decision to cut back. As usual, you made my day. I love that about you lot :)
all images by a tranquil townhouse


  1. That's great Kerry, very exciting! Yes, your painty outlines are very nice! Funny how you may never think to do that intentionally, but it looks great! Good luck!

  2. Oh i love this, what a great course, i'm a big fan of colour, you'll do wonderfully well. Enjoy your exciting new adventure, love Posie

  3. Now that's what I call a perfect fit - you + a course in colour & design.

    Can't wait to see all that you 'dare to share' over the coming months.

    xx Felicity

  4. Good luck for your course. Love the painty outlines too- artwork from mess!

  5. So you made that colour chart thingy? That is bloody marvellous!

  6. love the colour chart- but the 'mess' i adore!!
    good lick with your course.
    happy CS

  7. Oh wow! Your own painted colour chart! Very cool! have fun and good luck with your course!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. I missed your post yesterday re: cutting back. I hear ya and 2nd ya on all elements. I have an urgent deadline for a new clients brochure - and yet I sat and read e.v.e.r.y. single word of your post. Not that it was a waste of time as it was filled with thoughts and actions that are extremely important - but blogging 'does' take up so much time. The researching, the writing, finding pics AND checking out everyone else's blog. SO. I wish you all the best and hope you can work out a way to find a 'time' to blog and have more 'time' to do what you like as opposed to what you have to do.

    I'll keep a look out for you.
    Bestest wishes for your new blog-free-ish life (-:

  9. Looks like you're having heaps of fun! I love your colours.

    Thank goodness you're back though. I missed you!

  10. definitely understand the need to focus! good luck on your certificate and coursework! looks colorful and pretty!

  11. How exciting that you are going to be doing this course!!

  12. oh how wonderful. you will excel. have fun! A-M xx

  13. I have to say I really love your "mess"! Frame it!

  14. Ooh, I'm so excited at lies ahead for you to discover, Kerry. And like Felicity, I can't wait to see what you 'dare to share'. In your own sweet time, of course! J x

  15. Wow! I love it! Found you via kootoyoo.

  16. wow, i didn't realise until i read further that you'd painted those colour chips... they look amazing! Good luck with the course!!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.