
Saturday, April 30, 2011

a blog friend needs our love and care...

Hi everyone. Thank you for reading. Some of you will know Julienne who writes the blog Mostly older than Me. Some of you won't. But I wonder if you would send some love her way...
Julienne's husband Brandon...who she always referred to as 'TOP' on the blog, died suddenly and totally unexpectedly last Sunday. There is a tribute to Brandon in this local newspaper article.
Julienne is surrounded by her family at the moment, and she's asked me to tell you that she'll be back as soon as she can. In her own words: 

I will come back to my bloggy friends soon but at the moment my house is full with the kids and whilst it is ringing with tears so, it is ringing with laughter.

As it should. But in the meantime I would be very grateful if you could send Julienne a message of love, care and support...the stuff that bloggers are made of. I know she would find some comfort in your words. This is the link to Julienne's blog or if you'd prefer to comment here I will make sure she gets them.
Thanks everyone. I'm sure Julienne wouldn't mind me saying that you're a top lot :)


  1. This is just so very sad, Kerry. I will follow your link to Julienne. You are a good friend.


  2. Oh my goodness. I don't know Julienne, but I send her my thoughts. What a sad time for her.

  3. My heart is broken for you Julienne. A-M xx

  4. oh that's so sad to hear. Julienne is such a lovely lady and all round top sort. Will send her my love xx

  5. i am so glad you posted this.
    jules is my dear sweet one.

  6. Julienne, hugs and love from Brasil!

  7. Kerry you are such a good friend. Julienne is lucky to have you in her life. I will pop over to her blog now. But a big kiss to you for being so thoughtful:)

  8. Thank you for letting us know Kerry.
    Rebecca x

  9. Having just been through something similar I can honestly say that she will receive a huge outpouring of support from the blog world, which is a comfort. My heart is sad for her loss and I'm sending her warm thoughts xo

  10. Oh, Kerry, thanks for sharing this sad news. Please pass on my best wishes and kindest thoughts to Julienne. J x

  11. Oh Kerry, I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely friend's loss - how terrible for you. Thank you for spreading the love - I'm sure this will be a great comfort to her xx

  12. Oh that is such sad news. I'll pop over to her now. Thanks Kerry. Emma.

  13. Kerry dear - thank you for this post, Julienne is a gorgeous girl & you are a lovely bloggy pal.
    Millie x

  14. oh so sad..I dont know her..but please send her my thoughs../marie

  15. Thank you for sharing this, how tragic.My thoughts and prayers are with her.

  16. Oh that is so sad :( He has such a kind face. I'll pop over.

  17. Thanks for letting us know Kerry, I will pop over and leave a message for Julienne xx


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