
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 3 May 2011

Good did it get to be May already?
And about the bin Laden news? That was a surprise.
While I may have been cutting back on the old blogging lark...
it hasn't stopped me from collecting lovely pictures...
it is after all, one of my ways of gathering inspiration...
and while it's mostly my taste I know...
I hope you like at least some...heaven forbid if I go down the Pinterest road :)
Thank you so much for sending Julienne some love...
I knew that you would...
I think it matters that you have
...and I know it makes a difference.
Grief shared isn't necessarily any easier...
but loving thoughts lift us up just a little don't you think?
There's a lot to be said for reaching out. Thanks for being kind.


  1. I am loving the one with the sparkly ball and lots of pink.

  2. Love that dark green work space. Looks very ... productive.

  3. I'm with Deb, love the bright artwork in the lounge. Though, I also like the lived-in feel in so many of your pics. I get sick of seeing rooms that look like they'd combust if someone actually used them. I'm so not into the clinical look :)

  4. Sarah's right, I too love the images when you know they are loved and lived in spaces. And I always enjoy your eclectic collections.
    Are you considering pinterest? I confess it seems to be crossing my mind rather too often! xx

  5. I really want a bedroom painted black like that, or dining room, I can't decide. And I love all those white built in shelves. My books need a home like that :-)

  6. Oh, Kerry, do come pinning with me! I have been right since the start and it's fabulous. I've transferred all my We ♥ it and photos to Pinterest. I adore curating my boards. I can send you an invitation if you'd like! J x

  7. Kerry, I love the inspiration I find in these images. I'm always glad to come over and find tons of creativity and ideas. Keep on posting, my dear. I haven't checked out Pinterest yet. I've heard about it many times...hmmm....

  8. All of these images are so beautiful. x

  9. Ah yes, we must not let Bin Laden stop us from collating beautiful pictures - especially not ones like 1, 5 and 9! V nice!

    Am heart broken for Julienne. I will stop by and show her my support next. x

    Re Pinterest.. I have gone down that road and let me just say that it is as addictive as blogging..! The upside is though, that I have managed to empty large files on my hard drive onto my Pinterest boards.. Happy hard drive + happy Pinterest = Win Win! :)

    Hugs and thanks for persisting my mega post on Tasmania..!

    xx C


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.