
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

my creative space...styling workshop

I went on a little trip last week. A flying visit to Bangalow and Shannon Fricke's Little Cottage...for her Styling workshop.
It was a terrific day, for several reasons:
I got to spend time with my dear bloggy friend Kerri with an 'i'. We didn't stop talking from the time she picked me up from the airport on Thursday lunchtime until she dropped me back on Friday afternoon. Except maybe when we were being model students...demonstration by Kerri below...
I got to meet some really lovely women, all of us with a shared interest in the stuff we bloggers love. And three who are doing the Certificate IV in Design that I'm doing as well. That was fortuitous, especially seeing they're all way ahead of where I'm at and I now have their email addresses :)
I learnt some really good stuff about concepts...and I feel that I can apply this process to a whole lot of things (my spring concept: 'a carefree life' is shown below)
I confirmed that I love styling and will continue to do it with gay abandon around my own house and at anyone else's who'll let me in the front door! Here's the little scene I created to demonstrate my springtime 'carefree life' concept...
... and most importantly...
I recognised that styling will NOT be my next career move. But I did come a great deal closer to working out what that might be...words and pictures in some combination...exciting :)
And apart from anything else the day offered (and there was lots), if that didn't make it a worthwhile investment, I don't know what on earth would.
By the way, that Shannon Fricke is one impressive woman. And super nice as well. Complete bonus :)
all photos taken by me


  1. What a great day, with a bunch of fabulous, creative women - so much fun! And it was so nice to catch for a good long chat (or twelve!) - maybe we need to scedule more "workshops" over the year :) Totally enjoyed every minute of it. K xx

  2. Sounds like it was worth the trip Kerry..for so many personal and professional reasons. So glad you got so much out of it...especially spending time with the other special K :)

  3. Sounds like it was a fun workshop for you and Kerri. I wonder if any work was really done and if you two were reprimanded for chat, chat, chatting.... ha! ;-)

  4. It looks like you had way too much fun! Gosh, isn't the workshop space lovely? It looks like a workshop I'd really enjoy too and it must have been extra fun to have bloggy buddies in the group :)

  5. Wow, what a fun experience and how lovely to catch up with Kerri. Looks like you would have gotten lots out of the workshop x

  6. sounds fabulous, would have loved to be there too! xx

  7. Hi Kerry,
    Looks as if you had a fun and productive time. ....and, lovely for you to catch up with Kerri. I salute you both for being serious when it came to the workshop !! If that had been me, I don't think that I would have been able to have stopped chatting !!!! haha. XXXX

  8. Oh, Kerry! I'm so delighted for you. I've been waiting for this post since you first mentioned you'd signed up. Gee, it really looks like you had fun. I'll be asking you for styling tips once we move into our new home! J x

  9. Kerry with a y, that sounds like such fun! I would love to do something like this myself - just for me. x

  10. This looks lovely. It's nice to see a bunch of girls having some good clean creative fun! Loved your last crochet post too x

  11. It sounds fun and it's so much inspiration in the post today !!

    Have a nice day !


  12. It was a great day, glad you liked it!

  13. I just read that whole post over again and loved it just as much. x

  14. Sounds like the ideal weekend. Am a bit jealous.


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