
Thursday, May 12, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 12 May 11

Hello the heck are you?
via collage of life
Me? I'm knackered.
by Katie Quinn Davies of What Katie Ate (she's a complete genius)
Work is soooooo busy. I'm leaving early for work and I'm back home late. Buffy must be a bit lonely now that the 22 23 year old has decamped...
light locations via the red thread
I've been home so little I haven't even had the opportunity to wallow in the pleasure of having my studio space back
via an indian summer
I think sorting it is going to be a work in progress for quite a while yet
a canberra home (yes, we can do edgy!) via the design files; photographs taken by canberra photographer peta rudd
...a bit like me really...the work in progress, not the edgy :)
via the diversion project
So many work projects on the's ludicrous really
via from the right bank
starting projects, finishing projects and middling projects...
via solid frog
as long as there aren't any muddling projects I probably should be ok!
via my pretty space tumblr
didn't manage ten this week...sorry about that...but, you know...stupidly busy. Or just busy being or the other!


  1. Great shots Kerry. Wasn't that Canberra home amazing? I also agree with you on the what Katie ate blog, her pics are so amazing!
    I hope things quieten down a bit for you :)

  2. Muddling would not be good, but being busy is great, so long as you still allow a little me time! I sigh over Katie's amazing foodie images. Sigh. xx

  3. LOVE the first image - perfection!! I too adore Katie's food styling.

  4. I can relate to the over-busy bit but don't overdo it! Great images - love the tons of cushions on that white sofa.

  5. Hello! Yes I too am frantic. Autumn is like that I think..! :)

    So the '23 (!) year old' has moved out. Where now? I bet it is sad and good all at the same time.
    Congratulations on getting the studio space back though. Bonus! :)
    Hope you find time to paint and be creative. I love it when you do! (I bet you do too... so please don't take my comment as rubbing salt in the wound by the fact that you don't have time.. You know... xx)

    Love no 1 - want to sit at that kitchen table and just 'be'.. Such wonderful and sunny energy!

    Big hugs. Hang on in there!

    xx C

  6. Hi. I only just found 'What Katie Ate'. The blog (and Katie) is wonderful I agree. Hope you get to rest soon. Emma.

  7. Gorgeous round up of images!!

    Thanks for stopping by :)


  8. Love you blog.I am leave in Serbia.My school frend Vera is psihologic in your town Cambera:))Love your top 10.


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