
Friday, May 20, 2011

weekend wishes...

Something new for fridays...but probably just every now and then. Soul food friday might return some day :)
This honour of my beautiful daughter's 26th birthday weekend wish for you is:
the opportunity & the ability to walk lightly and with whimsy at least once over the next few days
...and this is where my girl is celebrating her big day! Crazy kid! Happy birthday Jess.
Have a good weekend...wherever you are, whatever you're doing and whoever you're with. 
That's an order :)


  1. Happy 26th Birthday Jess! I hope it's a wonderful one! The weather is meant to be sunny and 23 here tomorrow so it should be a beautiful day for the zoo! Enjoy your weekend with your gorgeous girl Kerry! Jxx

  2. What a delightful place to spend a birthday! And with such graceful company. Aren't giraffes incredible creatures? Whenever I see photos of animals or flowers now, in my old age, I marvel at the intricacy and perfection of their design.

    God! It's only 7:13am!

    Have a great weekend, Mother of Two. And Cat.

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter Kerry, hope you also enjoy the weekend. ;-)

  4. Happy B-Day, Jess! Best wishes and warm greetings to you

  5. Have a great birthday Jess! Looks like a great place to spend your special day if you ask me - best spot for a zoo in the world. And Kerry - hope you and the Buffster are enjoying your new studio...but I suspect you're both missing Ben and his new heater :) xx

  6. Happy Birthday Jess! Have a great weekend Kerry.. Rachaelxx

  7. Tell Jess to have a great birthday. Still one of the best zoos we have been to! Have a great weekend.

  8. Happy Birthday wishes to your DD Jess... and best wishes to you for a wonderful weekend to you Kerry!
    Jeanne xxx

  9. PS....just got an iPad and trying to see how easy this is..excuse incoherent chatter!

  10. Happy birthday Jess. What a great place to celebrate. And have a good weekend Kerry, I hope you get to spend some time in your studio.

  11. Awesome kid! Can't wait for the zoo! Thanks everyone for their kind wishes : )
    And Mum...I figured out what my present square of my blanket, yes?!

  12. Love those shoes! Have a great weekend.

  13. Happy B'day Jess, have a wonderful time at the zoo. The giraffe's are amazing as well as those gorgeous baby elephants!
    Have a relaxing weekend Kerry! xx

  14. Happy Friday! And thanks for the giraffe photo, they always make me smile :-) x

  15. Happy birthday to your daughter, I hope she has a wonderful weekend of celebrations x

  16. Happy birthday to your daughter ! I hope that she will have a wonderful day. And you too !!



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