
Thursday, May 19, 2011

when janis says jump...(or 'art' and my studio begins to take shape)

When Janis says jump, I of course say, 'not a prob high?'
Remember this can read about it here.
The very lovely and exceedingly clever (not the least because she had the good sense to marry an Aussie) Janis, said that I should frame it.
So I did. It has even more 'mess' now, although I do believe it's slightly crooked. Oh well. Never mind.
It's now in my reclaimed studio inspiring me (a little) and reminding me that anything can be made into 'art' (*snort*) and that I really need to get cracking again on that Cert IV after two weekends away.
The studio is slowly (very slowly) turning into what it's meant to be. I'll keep you they say in the classics :)
Head over here for much creativity.


  1. It looks fantastic framed!! Good choice!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. I think that's the key to art, you have to be open to chance and think ouside the square. This is a lovely example of that. I always have to remind myself to let go a little and let artwork go wherever it needs to go.
    This looks great Kerry, as does your space - much neater than mine!

  3. Hey's only much neater because I haven't actually done anything in there yet :))

  4. Oh, it's all looking just wonderful!

  5. It is art, and it's interesting, striking, and looks good. All I could possibly say against it is that it's not a Kitchenaid.

  6. Looks fantastic, wondered how you made the pattern. You were very tidy in your original painting and it made great "art"

  7. That's wonderful Kerry, you'll enjoy having your own space so much. I love how it looks so far. Rachaelxx

  8. Oh, and Janis was right about framing the artwork, it looks great.

  9. Very nice. And more importantly you can talk about the 'process'when people comment on the artwork.

  10. I love the picture... it is amazing what can look fantastic as art! :) Is the course you are doing a good one? Just curious :)

  11. LOVE the studio - gorgeous! Keep chipping away at the Cert IV - we'll all get there one day! Shout out if you need any help ...

  12. I love that... there IS hope for me.... x

  13. Janis has an amazing eye...I follow her blog too. I love your piece. Very cool.

  14. To quote a wise lady (Faux Fuchia) I luff it 11/10. I am also seriously coveting that wonderful red lamp.
    I took your post about cutting back rather seriously and have been minimizing my blog time. I had no idea how much time I had been spending in blogland. It has really opened my eyes. It has been amazing to see the amount I things I have been able to achieve around home. So thanks for the virtual kick up the butt. I am enjoying my short blogland visits and taken heaps of pressure off myself. Thanks Kerry

  15. That works! Great idea. There's no way you can tell if it's crooked from here! x

  16. Wow, how incredible that looks and what a wonderful space it's in xo

  17. Oh what a GORGEOUS studio!!!! Love that artwork too :)

  18. What a wonderfully inspiring space, gorgeous.

  19. smart girl! if janis told me to jump, i'd bloody well jump too. she's a genius.

    and proof in the pudding - it looks great! xx

  20. Kerry, your studio looks wonderful, so cozy. How could you not feel creative here? I think the piece looks great framed!!

  21. You're studio is fantastic and I LOVE your incidental art framed!

  22. Ha, ha! Kerry I'm glad you "jumped" when I suggested your frame your accidental piece of art. I really do love it, and I love the vignette of your studio. Well done!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.