
Monday, June 6, 2011

A few changes in the living room...

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good thanks.
I made a few changes to the living room wall...
...added the mirror (found at an op shop) and stuck up one of my 'K's using blu-tac. It hasn't fallen on anyone's head yet,  but I'm afraid the cyclamen is past its best. But no probs...I've got a hyacinth now...even if it does have a slight lean :)
I framed and hung the New York poster...and moved the ballets russes costume painting. Sorry about the reflections.
My friend Chris suggested I need to fill the whole wall. Not likely, and certainly not without a bloody big ladder!  Some things however, always stay the same...
The vampire slayer wishes you a good week. I do too.


  1. As the VS will attest you create the cosiest of spaces Kerry.
    It's easy to imagine snuggling up on your lounge with a great glass of red whiling away an hour...or two.

    Happy day!

    Felicity xo

  2. It all looks great Kerry. I can just about smell those hyacinths. I love the champagne bucket. I got excited when I saw one in a local tip shop but they wanted around $100 for it! In a tip shop!
    Tickles for the slayer and you have a great week!

  3. Hi Slayer..gorgeous cat! I absolutely LOVE the wall Kerry. An eclectic mix of frames on the wall is just the most beautiful way to decorate. And the hyacinth is lovely. Rachaelxx

  4. I love the wall Kerry. Lots of beautiful pieces xx

  5. Happy Monday, Kerry. Re-arranging .. what a great way to while away a few weekend hours. Love the results and I just noticed the Oh! My God! I miss you postcard - I have the same one! I love Yoshitomo Nara's work - it makes me laugh.
    Have a great week x

  6. love it ..especially those chandeliers i can see through your mirror!! xx

  7. Kerry it looks fabulous..lots of pop of colour...and VS looks might comfy there ..I wouldnt say fill the WHOLE wall..but there is certainly a little more room for some more gorgeousness ; ) x

  8. It must have been the weekend for it as I did my wall also. Well, did in the fact that I worked out all the frames .. now I just have to work out what goes in them. But heh, one step done.

  9. It looks great Kerry. You'll have to let us know if the blu tack does the trick and makes the distance!! xx

  10. looks brilliant darl. i do so love that painting of yours, the costume one.hope you have a great week too darl xxx

  11. I love all the different bits and how great they all look together. The mirror and K are fantastic additions x

  12. And I wish you both a lovely week :D
    It looks great and the pictures could fill the wall...

    Yippie !! I can comment now !!!

    Anci (The Lighthouse)

  13. I really, really love your art wall. Am keen to do something similar in our new house but not really sure how to start - organised random is tricky to pull off!

  14. I'm not having weekends anymore...instead I will have two Wednesdays and two Fridays no more Sunday bloody Sundays!!!!! Love the wall and I can lend you the big, big ladder!

  15. Love it. Specially the mirror and its placement.

  16. Love the interior of your house and your house as well.. also your post. great pics! I could spend all my weekends on rearranging rooms in my house if i had your house. :) Cute cat. Can i have him? :)


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