
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

things could get ugly...

I finished reading this book last night...
It's probably fair to say that I have a sugar addiction. My waistline certainly thinks so. And it's probably also fair to say that if you're a sane person, one major self imposed challenge at a time is more than enough...
Ha! How long have you known me? As if I'd stop at one! So quitting sugar starts today, and like I said it could get ugly. So enjoy the pretty $8 tulips from Woollies while I'm still in a good mood. 
And for those of you who've been asking for the vampire slayer, here she is...always alert, never alarmed :)


  1. I so need this book. I wish you Discipline with your quest!

  2. One of the items on my "Long List" of challenges for this year was to give up sugar for a!

    Unfortunately I didn't have a plan B once I'd finished and the sugar quaffing began again not long after.

    If you have some great hints to share after reading this most excellent tome, I think you would be doing a public service of epic proportions {and I'm just talking about my needs!}.

    Best wishes,

    xx F

  3. I too, need a twelve step plan to kick my sugar habit. I've reduced my sugar intake though - I used to have 3 sugars in tea and coffee (oh the shame!) but I've cut it down to just over half. Pretty chuffed with myself just quietly. Hope it goes well sweet...wanna do it for me too? K xx

  4. I just glanced at the little picture and was coming here all prepared to fully support you in your quest to give up smoking (I dont even know if you smoke) then I saw it was giving up sugar. I reeled in horror. That is something I could never do. Instead I will wish you all the best and offer my full support. Now where did I leave that piece of choccy.

  5. Good luck with your sugar deprivation Kerry. I haven't had chocolate for about 3months now and, I just don't have tea anymore 'cos I HAVE to have a spoonful of sugar in it !! I'm OK without sugar in coffee. I just can't give up the wine though !! Let us know how you get on.....I know you will do well.....after all, you went 100 days without buying anything so going without sugar should be a breeze !!!! haha. XXXX

  6. yep, my name is jules, and i too am addicted to sugar. i can sub a bag of party mix in no time. good thing i have children who make sure i never get a bag to myself!!!

    more power to you darl, and you'd better warn buffy that there may be someone crankier than she in the house! xx

  7. Yes I think Jules may be right - Buffy is in for a rough ride, but I guess if anyone can handle cranky, she can. Good luck with the new sugar free habit. I'm ready to support you every which way - just one more piece of chocolate first?

  8. If you find the answer to how to quit sugar, please let me know! Good luck with it, you're strong! Lovely pic of the Slayer and I enjoyed the Soul Food post. Rachaelx

  9. I'm just off to eat all the chocolates in the house now in case I get drawn in by your good example and charm. It would be a shame to see them go to waste.

  10. Good luck with it. I have more of a savoury tooth but just as bad if your addicted to crisps & dip yum

  11. I used to take sugar in tea but when I was in Egypt for a year at university, there was some problem getting hold of sugar so I was obliged to have my tea without.

    In the end I got used to it and never went back. Forced deprivation is a great way, but a bit drastic.

    Good luck with reaching your target!

  12. hi Kerry - Snap to you. I gave up sugar about 5 weeks ago. It was partly because I was feeling so tired in the afternoon and partly because sugar feeds cancer. I haven't read the Gillespie book but I have read about it. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel. I do not do diets or weird eating things so this was an experiment. And I don't eat lots of processed food anyway but I do love lots of fruit, juice, chocolate and yes the odd muffin and biscuit. It is really not hard to do once you make up your own cereal and buy some nuts etc. GO for it you will not regret it. xoxo PS You DON"T Have to give up wine or beer - not the same kind of sugar as the fructose Gillespie is on about.

  13. Off sugar, cold turkey, good luck!! I'm wishing you well. Love Posie

  14. Good Luck ! I think that you can do it !
    And your comment was so kind :)


  15. I was skeptical like many. Like many, I thought it would be impossible to do - I gave away sugar 9 months ago and never went back. It was the single greatest thing I have ever done for myself. I got my life back because of it. I am no longer sick, I eat less, I am less tired, as a side effect - I lost weight and have kept it off.

    A few decades from now when the debate is done and the research complete and understood by all, we will look back and wonder "what were we thinking?" about loading our food with sugar.

    It is going to happen. But you and your loved ones can get a headstart on the rest now! Some things are too important to be sitting around and wondering.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.