
Thursday, August 18, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 18 august 11

It pains me to tell you this...
seen on honey 'n fizz
but I will anyway
seen on gingerella
the top ten was hard work this week...
seen on wish you were here
I had to persevere and keep looking, looking...I was disappointed it took so long to put together, but what can you do?
seen on the style files
just go with what you've got...which is good, don't get me wrong, but it was  hard to's usually a breeze. Well, breeze-ish.
seen on the design files
I don't think the fact that I've been difficult to please or my patience threshold is low has got anything to do with a lack of sugar. No, I won't hear of it!
seen on my pear tree house
it's only been three days and I suspect there's so much kicking around in my body it's going to take a lot longer than that for withdrawal nastiness to kick in!
seen on greige
but...reading this post by Jane from My Pear Tree House certainly made up for a dearth of pretty pictures. Please go and read it if you haven't already. A wonderful attitude and quite a lot of wisdom waits for you there.


  1. Ha, you've done great Kerry. I think if it were me I'd struggle to turn on the computer - I'm sure I couldn't function without sugar.
    Yes, Jane's post was great. She is so strong. X

  2. Well done Kerry, such great pictures. I don't think I would be coping quite as well as you are!

  3. ohhhh i'm smitten by all these great pictures you have carefully it miss k xx

  4. Kerry, the first and second last photos would have been enough for me. I just read Jane's post. So inspiring, thanks for the link.

  5. But the result is good ! Keep on going :)


  6. Gorgeous Top Ten Kerry and all in my favourite room ..... the one where we eat !!....but, no sugar of course !!
    ..... and, isn't Jane an inspiration ? Her attitude and demeanor is unbelievable and the way she writes about all of her experiences these past 8 months is so remarkable.
    Hope that your sugar-free life is jogging along nicely Kerry ! XXXX

  7. Numbers 1 and 5 more than make up for the fact that the top 10 is only the top 7! That lack of sugar has you seeing double I'm sure. And Jane's wonderful attitude makes me feel ashamed at some of the pathetic things I moan on about. xx

  8. no 5 has me...and it's going into my home file favs right now! thanks for the inspiration :)
    Am going to visit Jane now

    Claudia xo

  9. Oh lovely choices & thanks for the tip off, love catching up with what Jane has to say, love Posie

  10. 1,3 and 5 are especially lovely! I'd like a combo of all three please. Good luck with the no sugar's hard!

  11. Beautiful pictures as always, I love your top tens :-)

  12. #1 wins hands down :-)

    Have a great weekend Kerry!

  13. what a gorgeous lot of inspiration! Thanks!


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