
Saturday, October 29, 2011

colour and pattern in the townhouse...

During a lull in the great honeysuckle massacre last weekend, I thought I'd have a bit of a play with my camera and its zoom function.
These photos were all taken while sprawled on a sofa...
...too knackered from my mammoth gardening effort to do anything much than slide from one to the other to vary the shot a bit.
It will come as no surprise to you that I like a bit of colour and pattern. Oh yeah...and buddhas. Of any description.
Pictures of zoomed-up-on flora next week I think.
Enjoy your weekends everyone and thank you for your comments this week. I hope to be spending a bit of my weekend in the courtyard, weather permitting, and without the secateurs this time. And I probably should do a bit of dusting as well judging by these photos ;)
all images: a tranquil townhouse


  1. Like I said before, our homes are very similar :-) I really love everything Kerry.

  2. Dusting - highly overrated.
    Colour, pattern and lounging about taking photos of same - essential.
    Have a great weekend Kerry X

  3. yep, i'm with nic, dusting is completely overrated!

    i do so love your place darl, hoping you relax in it this weekend - no dusting! xx

    blogger is up to its usual fun and games, apparently i'm not allowed to comment as myself, so let's see..... i'll be greta garbo instead : ) (aka jules)

  4. that buddha would look really well in my aunt's oriental house.:)

  5. Hello Kerry:
    What a wonderfully eclectic mix of colour and objets'd'art. You obviously have a terrific eye for detail and for composition, the whole coming together in such an interesting and individual way. As for the dust, one must be careful, in our view, not to produce a sanitised interior. Shabby chic relies upon a few cat hairs, fluff and mud marks for authenticity!

  6. You have very interesting Bits...and as the Hattats eye for composition.

  7. Oh the kicking buddha is so cool. Love your mix, eclectic honey & i bet it smells delicious with the fresh flowers, love Posie

  8. I really have to try taking pics while lounging on my sofa - love your zoomed shots!

  9. Sounds tiring, all that gardening. It must have been satisfying though. Nice photography! Rachaelxx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.