
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

this week's top ten...

I'll be honest...
I haven't been overly inspired this week
Couldn't seem to find all that many images that made me stop in my tracks.
To be fair though,
I may not have expended much effort looking this week
I spent a great deal of time in the garden on saturday and sunday
and had what amounted to an almost screen free weekend
it's good to do that from time to time don't you think?
On the plus side, my mammoth gardening effort means the honeysuckle is now kaput, and the jasmine has been released from its evil clutches and can now do it's own perfumed thing :)
In important news, mum's op has been rescheduled for the 24th. Fingers crossed it happens this time :)
And in news of the trivial kind, I'm thinking of buying this chair.
images seen on: belle maison; the diversion project; ish and chi; abigail ahern; dust jacket; the veda house; sarah tuttle on absolutely beautiful things; the style files; the home in paradise; matt blatt


  1. For someone who wasn't looking, you've still managed some good images. Yay re your Mum's op. Fingers are crossed.
    And re chair - I like it but it seems really fat or overstuffed...not that I should talk!! xx

  2. Go ahead and treat yourself to that chair - you deserve it! And I have everything crossed that your mum's op goes ahead as planned. Btw, how beautiful is that circular bay window - love it! xx

  3. #1 So pleased to learn about your Mum

    #2 Great news about the garden, I bet you're reveling in it at this time of year

    #3 That chair is sensational - don't 'think' about it another minute!

    #4 A break away whether it be real or virtual is always a good thing and generally leaves us feeling revitalised - always a good thing

    #5 Love your turquoise and yellow bursts in this post - dashes of happy to begin my day

    #6 Thank you!

  4. Most importantly, I'm so pleased to hear that your mum's op is re-scheduled.... you MUST get the chair....I'm so happy for the jasmine !!!!! .....and, love your top ten.
    .....and, it's always good to get away from the computer from time to time. XXXX

  5. Oh buy the chair! You'd be like Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, but Kerry In The Chair With Kitchenaid Paintings. And many warm wishes to your patient mother.

  6. Since your mum has been cancelled twice the odds of a 3rd are next to nil.

    Love the chair, it's very happy.

    Love the turquoise chairs in that photo.

    Your slim pickings are great.

  7. Not inspired you say? Ah, I beg to differ! I am loving your picks/pics more than ever this week. Yellows and turquoise are so yummy right now.

    And what a great chair - more inspiration for me as I'm in the process of gathering around me chairs of all shapes and sizes (picking up 2 tired old wingbacks today), ready for reinventing in fabrics with fabulour colours and patterns. Can't wait to share and get everyone's thoughts.

    AndSO hoping all goes to plan this time round for your mum X

  8. Some inspiring images there! And a screen free weekend sounds ... scary! :)

    Good luck for your mums op, I hope it happens x

  9. Maybe the fresh air in the garden wore you out!! I love the chair, too! Go for it!


  10. "screen free" is highly recommended, especially for gardening! love the chair!

  11. Good work for someone not too inspired.

  12. Gorgeous round up Kerry! Do buy that fabulous chair :)

    Abbey x

  13. Yes...out in the garden is a great thing! Good luck to your mum...and buy that gorgeous chair!

  14. I so want that chair Kerry!!!

  15. The chair is a winner, I want it too!

  16. Fingers crossed that third time is lucky for your Mum! I love the chair. xxx


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