
Friday, October 7, 2011

friday flowers...

Well, this is a first for me, posting a picture of flowers on a friday :)
The lavender is from the courtyard mess garden which is slowly getting a spruce up for summer...I've given up on spring...this weather is ludicrous.
Anyway, it's another long weekend in the nation's capital and rain is forecast...what a surprise!
Still, I won't complain, and thanks to the lavender by my bed I'm assured of a very good night's sleep.
Have a wonderful weekend, long or otherwise, and thank you for spending some time with me this week. I love it when you do that :)


  1. Hi Kerry, we're in for a grey weekend too. I love your lavender and the pic is really fab. I have been eyeing off the lavender at work and I might have to being a bit home :)
    Have a great weekend! X

  2. Beautiful, beautiful lavender and a lovely photograph Kerry.
    Sorry to hear that your Spring isn't so good....that means you will have a fabulous Summer !!
    Sweet dreams. XXXX

  3. Bedside lavender is a good idea, and what fine funky glasses those are.

  4. There's lavender popping up everywhere over here too - so lovely!! Our bushes are only new so not a lot to pick yet though. Enjoy your weekend, hope the rain doesn't last too long!! x

  5. those flowers are so pretty! Have a great weekend!

  6. Our lavender has not started to flower yet and I can't wait until it does!! So, thank you for sharing your gorgeous bunch!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend~ xx

  7. What a lovely tablescape! Enjoy your indoor weekend :)

  8. Hi Kerry . . just discovered your blog and an hooked and started looking back on older posts - I think the writer part of you describes what the artist in you sees. I love seeing the books you read - so many my favourites. So many of your chosen pics are of rooms with vast walls of books and big windows with great views. I keep photos (very like these) stuck on my workroom wall because they are places that my 'comfort spirit' recognises something in. Always searching for my perfect place to create !!
    Have bookmarked your fantastic blog.
    Greetings from Dublin.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.