
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

top ten pictures from the week ~ 5 Oct 11

Sorry. A teeny bit late...
I thought that for a bit of a change, I'd give you an insight into what attracts me to the images I choose each week. What the first thing I notice is, because it will be different for each of us I'm sure. A scary look inside my brain!
No.1: textiles first, then books, art and windows. I don't like the blue coffee table, the toadstool or the creepy stuffed fawn, or the white side table in front of the tan sofa. Actually, I'd change quite a lot now I think about it!
 No. 2: the layered art and the interesting mirrored console/drinks thingy/whatever it is...
 No. 3: definitely the mirror, the black and white palette and the frilly shower curtain. The bath mat does nothing for me...I'd have a persian rug :)
 No. 4: the neon sign,the light boxes and the multiple lights...the quirk if you like. I'm not sure that I'd be doing the whole x-ray thing myself...perhaps something a little less confronting and a bit softer displayed on them to take some of the highly industrial edge off the room.
 No. 5: the art, the sofa and the zebra ottomans (or ottopersons as we call them in the tranquil townhouse...which reminds me, I have to recover mine but definitely not in zebra!)
 No. 6: the fact that it's a covered verandah...I am quite obsessed with verandahs...and that fireplace at the end. I'd have a lovely squishy armchair in here instead of a table and chairs though. Imagine escaping with a good book and hiding in here.
 No. 7: the art, especially the colours, the battered copper jug and just the elegant simplicity of the whole shebang
No. 8: that end wall and its little nook. It takes a simple and lovely kitchen into another place. I love it. Not sure about the three bottles at the end of the bench, but let's not be too picky.
No. 9: the windows, the height of the ceiling and the rustic table. It appears I have a bit of a thing for white kitchens. Actually, I think I do...I need to do something about mine pronto!
Hmm, no No. 10...never mind.
So, did you notice the things I did, or do you have a different take on what you pay attention to and what draws you in? 
images found, in order: architectural digest via design manifest; design manifest; design sponge; desire to inspire; lonny via brabourne farm; the decorista; the design files; driftwood interiors; 16 house


  1. I'm all about those zebra ottomans in the fifth photo. All about them! Like I think I might need them! x

  2. Well, I hang my head in shame as I did not even notice the little faun until you pointed it out;) But I do love lots of things in these pics, especially that white kitchen! Oh and the frilly shower curtain (I am with you on ditching that particular bath mat, though!!) Thanks for some lovely pics, Kerry!! ~ xx

  3. I love that first one and the things you said you'd change would be what I would change too - love the textiles draped over the lounge! x

  4. Oh my goodness, that first room!!! It has everything I love, lots of room, books, asian rugs, art -- love it!!!

  5. Love the first room...I'd be very comfy there!


  6. LOVE that blue glass coffee table. Stunning!!


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